


NameTypePowerAccuracyDamage ClassEffect
Vine WhipGrass45100PhysicalInflicts regular damage with no additional effect.
AbsorbGrass20100SpecialDrains half the damage inflicted to heal the user.
Mega DrainGrass40100SpecialDrains half the damage inflicted to heal the user.
Leech SeedGrass090StatusSeeds the target, stealing HP from it every turn.
Razor LeafGrass5595PhysicalHas an increased chance for a critical hit.
Solar BeamGrass120100SpecialRequires a turn to charge before attacking.
Stun SporeGrass075StatusParalyzes the target.
Sleep PowderGrass075StatusPuts the target to sleep.
Petal DanceGrass120100SpecialHits every turn for 2-3 turns, then confuses the user.
SporeGrass0100StatusPuts the target to sleep.
Cotton SporeGrass0100StatusLowers the target's Speed by two stages.
Giga DrainGrass75100SpecialDrains half the damage inflicted to heal the user.
SynthesisGrass0101StatusHeals the user by half its max HP. Affected by weather.
IngrainGrass0101StatusPrevents the user from leaving battle. User regains 1/16 of its max HP every turn.
Needle ArmGrass60100PhysicalHas a 30% chance to make the target flinch.
AromatherapyGrass0101StatusCures the entire party of major status effects.
Grass WhistleGrass055StatusPuts the target to sleep.
Bullet SeedGrass25100PhysicalHits 2-5 times in one turn.
Frenzy PlantGrass15090SpecialUser foregoes its next turn to recharge.
Magical LeafGrass60101SpecialNever misses.
Leaf BladeGrass90100PhysicalHas an increased chance for a critical hit.
Worry SeedGrass0100StatusChanges the target's ability to Insomnia.
Seed BombGrass80100PhysicalInflicts regular damage with no additional effect.
Energy BallGrass90100SpecialHas a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Leaf StormGrass13090SpecialLowers the user's Special Attack by two stages after inflicting damage.
Power WhipGrass12085PhysicalInflicts regular damage with no additional effect.
Grass KnotGrass1100SpecialInflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power.
Wood HammerGrass120100PhysicalUser receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil.
Seed FlareGrass12085SpecialHas a 40% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by two stages.
Grass PledgeGrass80100SpecialWith Fire Pledge, damages opposing Pokémon for 1/8 their max HP every turn for four turns.
Horn LeechGrass75100PhysicalDrains half the damage inflicted to heal the user.
Leaf TornadoGrass6590SpecialHas a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.
Cotton GuardGrass0101StatusRaises the user's Defense by three stages.