PokeMMO Zone - Ice



NameTypePowerAccuracyDamage ClassEffect
Ice-punchIce75100PhysicalHas a 10% chance to freeze the target.
MistIce0101StatusProtects the user's stats from being changed by enemy moves.
Ice-beamIce90100SpecialHas a 10% chance to freeze the target.
BlizzardIce11070SpecialHas a 10% chance to freeze the target.
Aurora-beamIce65100SpecialHas a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.
HazeIce0101StatusResets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.
Powder-snowIce40100SpecialHas a 10% chance to freeze the target.
Icy-windIce5595SpecialHas a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.
HailIce0101StatusChanges the weather to a hailstorm for five turns.
Ice-ballIce3090PhysicalPower doubles every turn this move is used in succession after the first, resetting after five turns.
Sheer-coldIce130SpecialCauses a one-hit KO.
Icicle-spearIce25100PhysicalHits 2-5 times in one turn.
AvalancheIce60100PhysicalInflicts double damage if the user takes damage before attacking this turn.
Ice-shardIce40100PhysicalInflicts regular damage with no additional effect.
Ice-fangIce6595PhysicalHas a 10% chance to freeze the target and a 10% chance to make the target flinch.
Frost-breathIce6090SpecialAlways scores a critical hit.
GlaciateIce6595SpecialLowers the target's Speed by one stage.
Freeze-shockIce14090PhysicalRequires a turn to charge before attacking. Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.
Ice-burnIce14090SpecialRequires a turn to charge before attacking. Has a 30% chance to burn the target.
Icicle-crashIce8590PhysicalHas a 30% chance to make the target flinch.