


NameTypePowerAccuracyDamage ClassEffect
TwineedleBug25100PhysicalHits twice in the same turn. Has a 20% chance to poison the target.
Pin MissileBug2595PhysicalHits 2-5 times in one turn.
String ShotBug095StatusLowers the target's Speed by two stages.
Leech LifeBug80100PhysicalDrains half the damage inflicted to heal the user.
Spider WebBug0101StatusPrevents the target from leaving battle.
Fury CutterBug4095PhysicalPower doubles every turn this move is used in succession after the first, maxing out after five turns.
MegahornBug12085PhysicalInflicts regular damage with no additional effect.
Tail GlowBug0101StatusRaises the user's Special Attack by three stages.
Silver WindBug60100SpecialHas a 10% chance to raise all of the user's stats by one stage.
Signal BeamBug75100SpecialHas a 10% chance to confuse the target.
U-turnBug70100PhysicalUser must switch out after attacking.
X-ScissorBug80100PhysicalInflicts regular damage with no additional effect.
Bug BuzzBug90100SpecialHas a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Bug BiteBug60100PhysicalIf target has a berry, inflicts double damage and uses the berry.
Attack OrderBug90100PhysicalHas an increased chance for a critical hit.
Defend OrderBug0101StatusRaises the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.
Heal OrderBug0101StatusHeals the user by half its max HP.
Rage PowderBug0101StatusRedirects the target's single-target effects to the user for this turn.
Quiver DanceBug0101StatusRaises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by one stage each.
Struggle BugBug50100SpecialHas a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by one stage.
SteamrollerBug65100PhysicalHas a 30% chance to make the target flinch.