Shiny BoardWebsite Updates

Shiny Board – Teaser Screenshots!

Hello everyone! Today the PokeMMO Zone team will be sharing screenshots and information for a new website called Shiny Board. This website will eventually replace the current shiny leaderboard website. Please note that the website is subject to change prior to release, screenshots are showing how things look like in the current state. These are meant to give an idea of what is to come.

Character and Team Pages

With one account, you will be able to create and manage multiple characters. Each character will have it’s own character page with their own shiny collection and shiny Pokedex. You can join teams with these characters, and the shiny Pokemon for the character will follow the character. Leaving and joining a team will automatically update the Team’s shiny showcase/board. Users would need to add their shinies to their characters once. If your character is on a team the staff of the team will also be able to edit/update shinies for you. This allows for more options for updating shinies and more detailed information on shinies that is used to bring you more interesting leaderboards. Both Characters and Teams have shiny Pokedexes that are updated automatically for you.

Pokemon Page

There will be a Pokemon page where you can quickly see how many of a shiny Pokemon has been entered onto the website.

Live Dashboard

There is a live dashboard that is automatically updated whenever a shiny is added. Now you can flex getting a shiny to everyone who is viewing the dashboard.


Leaderboards are back and better than ever. With the ability to add more information for shinies this allows for different kind of shiny boards. There are currently 16 leaderboards coded and more can be added in the long term. With the exception of team based leaderboards, you also do not need to be on a team to be on the leaderboards.

When is release?

Currently the team is working on putting some finishing touches on the website and will need to do some internal testing. We would like to do a beta test with members from different teams in a couple of weeks. Pay attention for a future post with details on how to apply to be part of the beta test. As long as there are no major issues found in internal tests and the beta test, we hope to have the website live and open to everyone sometime in April. Around the same time as release there will be a Q and A stream on Gamer2020’s channel for the website as well as demonstrations on how to use the website.

Thank you for reading! We hope the community is as excited about this new website as we are.
