Shiny BoardWebsite Updates

Shiny Board – Day 1 status!

Thank you to everyone that has been using Shiny Board so far! It is a very rewarding feeling to have months of work be appreciated by the community it was intended for.

In about one day, over 4000 shinies have been entered onto Shiny Board! While there is still more to go, the leaderboards are starting to take shape.

As requested by the community, we have added a leaderboard for single encounters. We have also updated the least common and most common leaderboards to combine Pokémon based on evolution so that it shows better stats.

We are aware that certain Pokémon need to have their forms available as well as a couple of sprites that may not appear correct. We will be working on this, but it will take some time as these need to be addressed in PokeMMO-Data and some of it’s dependencies.

Thanks to you, we have fixed several issues already. A reminder that if there are any issues you would like to report, or any feedback you would like to give, please create a support ticket in our Discord. This is very critical as we may not be able to improve/fix things if we don’t even know about them to begin with.
