Shiny BoardWebsite Updates

Encounter based leaderboards have been removed!

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, we have decided to remove encounter based leaderboards from the website. It was our hope that these would give people extra leaderboards to show off lucky or unlucky shunts with the rest of the community. It seems that there are a few people that decided to put in outrageous numbers. We did try to reach out to some people for confirmation on their encounters but it was quickly evident that this would be a reoccurring/annoying process in the long term. We did issue softbans where applicable but decided that removing the leaderboards would be best for now. We try to not issue softbans as we want to include as many people as possible on the website.

These leaderboards may return if we can figure out a way to better handle them but more than likely that will not be the case.

We will continue to monitor and make adjustments to leaderboards where applicable. Thank you to everyone using the website so far!
