| Orange Mail | A piece of MAIL featuring a cute\nZIGZAGOON print.\nIt is to be held by a POKéMON. |
 | Harbor Mail | A piece of MAIL featuring a cute\nWINGULL print.\nIt is to be held by a POKéMON. |
 | Glitter Mail | A piece of MAIL featuring a cute\nPIKACHU print.\nIt is to be held by a POKéMON. |
 | Mech Mail | A piece of MAIL featuring a cute\nMAGNEMITE print.\nIt is to be held by a POKéMON. |
 | Wood Mail | A piece of MAIL featuring a cute\nSLAKOTH print.\nIt is to be held by a POKéMON. |
 | Wave Mail | A piece of MAIL featuring a cute\nWAILMER print.\nIt is to be held by a POKéMON. |
 | Bead Mail | A piece of MAIL to be held by a\nPOKéMON. It will bear the print of\nthe POKéMON holding it. |
 | Shadow Mail | A piece of MAIL featuring a cute\nDUSKULL print.\nIt is to be held by a POKéMON. |
 | Tropic Mail | A piece of MAIL featuring a cute\nBELLOSSOM print.\nIt is to be held by a POKéMON. |
 | Dream Mail | A piece of MAIL to be held by a\nPOKéMON. It will bear the print of\nthe POKéMON holding it. |
 | Fab Mail | A piece of MAIL featuring a\ngorgeous, extravagant print.\nIt is to be held by a POKéMON. |
 | Retro Mail | A piece of MAIL featuring a print\nof three cute POKéMON.\nIt is to be held by a POKéMON. |
 | Mach Bike | A folding bicycle that is at least\ntwice as fast as walking. |
 | Coin Case | A case for holding coins obtained at\nthe Game Corner.\nIt holds up to 50,000 coins. |
 | Itemfinder | A device used for finding items.\nIf there is a hidden item nearby\nwhen it is used, it emits a signal. |
 | Old Rod | An old and beat-up fishing rod.\nUse it by any body of water to fish for\nwild aquatic Pokémon. |
 | Good Rod | A new, good-quality fishing rod.\nUse it by any body of water to fish for\nwild aquatic Pokémon. |
 | Super Rod | An awesome, high-tech fishing rod.\nUse it by any body of water to fish for\nwild aquatic Pokémon. |
 | S.S. Ticket | The ticket required for sailing on the\nferry S.S. Aqua. It has a drawing of a\nship on it. |
 | Contest Pass | The pass required for entering Pokémon\nContests. It has a drawing of an award\nribbon on it. |
 | Wailmer Pail | A nifty watering pail.\nUse it to promote strong growth in\nBERRIES planted in soft soil. |
 | Devon Goods | A package that contains mechanical\nparts of some sort made by the\nDEVON CORPORATION. |
 | Soot Sack | A sack used to collect volcanic\nash automatically during walks\nover deep ash. |
 | Basement Key | A key that opens a door in the\nGoldenrod Tunnel. |
 | Acro Bike | A folding bicycle that is capable\nof stunts like jumps and wheelies. |
 | Pokéblock Case | A case for holding POKéBLOCKS made\nwith a BERRY BLENDER. It releases\none POKéBLOCK when shaken. |
 | Letter | An extremely important letter to\nSTEVEN from the PRESIDENT of the\nDEVON CORPORATION. |
 | Eon Ticket | The ticket required for sailing on a\nferry to a distant southern island.\nIt features a drawing of an island. |
 | Red Orb | A shiny red orb that is said to have\na legend and has a deep connection with\nthe Hoenn region. |
 | Blue Orb | A shiny blue orb that is said to have\na legend and has a deep connection with\nthe Hoenn region. |
 | Scanner | A device used to search for\nlife-forms in water.\nIt looks too difficult to use. |
 | Go Goggles | A pair of protective goggles.\nThey enable a TRAINER to travel\nthrough even desert sandstorms. |
 | Meteorite | A meteorite that fell from space\nonto MT. MOON long ago.\nIt is very lumpy and hard. |
 | Rm. 1 Key | A key that opens the door to Room\n1 inside the ABANDONED SHIP.\nIt is old and looks easily broken. |
 | Rm. 2 Key | A key that opens the door to Room\n2 inside the ABANDONED SHIP.\nIt is old and looks easily broken. |
 | Rm. 4 Key | A key that opens the door to Room\n4 inside the ABANDONED SHIP.\nIt is old and looks easily broken. |
 | Rm. 6 Key | A key that opens the door to Room\n6 inside the ABANDONED SHIP.\nIt is old and looks easily broken. |
 | Storage Key | The key to Team Galactic's sinister\nwarehouse located at the edge of\nVeilstone City. |
 | Root Fossil | A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that\nlived in the sea. It appears to be\npart of a plant root. |
 | Claw Fossil | A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that\nlived in the sea. It appears to be\npart of a claw. |
 | Devon Scope | A scope that signals the presence\nof any unseeable POKéMON.\nIt is made by the DEVON CORP. |
 | HM Cut | The target is cut with a scythe or a\nclaw. It can also be used to cut\ndown thin trees. |
 | HM Fly | The user soars, then strikes its\ntarget on the second turn. It can\nalso be used for flying to any\nfamiliar town. |
 | HM Surf | It swamps the area around the user\nwith a giant wave. It can also be\nused for crossing water. |
 | HM Strength | The target is slugged with a punch\nthrown at maximum power. It can\nalso be used to move heavy\nboulders. |
 | HM Flash | The user flashes a bright light that\ncuts the target's accuracy. It can\nalso be used to illuminate caves. |
 | HM Rock Smash | The user attacks with a punch that\ncan shatter a rock. It may also\nlower the target's Defense stat. |
 | HM Waterfall | The user charges at the target and\nmay make it flinch. It can also be\nused to climb a waterfall. |
 | HM Dive | Diving on the first turn, the user\nfloats up and attacks on the second\nturn. It can be used to dive deep\nin the ocean. |
 | Oak'S Parcel | A parcel to be delivered to PROF.\nOAK from VIRIDIAN CITY's POKéMON\nMART. |
 | Poké Flute | A flute that is said to instantly\nawaken any POKéMON. It has a\nlovely tone. |
 | Secret Key | A high-tech key that has to be used at\na specific location. It emits a special\nelectric signal to open a door. |
 | Bike Voucher | Take this voucher to the BIKE SHOP\nin CERULEAN CITY and exchange it\nfor a bicycle. |
 | Gold Teeth | A set of false teeth lost by the\nSAFARI ZONE'S WARDEN. It makes his\nsmile sparkle. |
 | Old Amber | A piece of amber that contains the\ngenetic material of an ancient Pokémon.\nIt is clear with a reddish tint. |
 | Card Key | A card key that opens a shutter in the\nRadio Tower. |
 | Lift Key | A key that operates the elevator\nin TEAM ROCKET's HIDEOUT.\nIt bears the TEAM ROCKET logo. |
 | Helix Fossil | A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that\nlived in the sea. It appears to be\npart of a seashell. |
 | Dome Fossil | A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that\nlived in the sea. It appears to be\npart of a shell. |
 | Silph Scope | A scope that makes unseeable\nPOKéMON visible.\nIt is made by SILPH CO. |
 | Bicycle | A folding Bicycle that enables much\nfaster movement than the Running\nShoes. |
 | Town Map | A very convenient map that can be\nviewed anytime. It even shows your\npresent location. |
 | Vs Seeker | A device that indicates TRAINERS\nwho want to battle. The battery\ncharges while traveling. |
 | Fame Checker | A device that enables you to\nrecall what you've heard and seen\nabout famous people. |
 | Tm Case | A case that holds TMs and HMs.\nIt is attached to the BAG's\ncompartment for important items. |
 | Berry Pouch | A pouch for carrying BERRIES.\nIt is attached to the BAG's\ncompartment for important items. |
 | Teachy Tv | A television set that is tuned to\na program with useful tips for\nnovice TRAINERS. |
 | Tri Pass | A pass for ferries between ONE,\nTWO, and THREE ISLAND.\nIt has a drawing of three islands. |
 | Rainbow Pass | A pass for ferries between\nVERMILION and the SEVII ISLANDS.\nIt features a drawing of a rainbow. |
 | Tea | An aromatic tea prepared by an old\nlady. It will slake even the worst\nthirst. |
 | Mysticticket | A ticket required to board the ship\nto NAVEL ROCK.\nIt glows with a mystic light. |
 | Auroraticket | A ticket required to board the ship\nto BIRTH ISLAND.\nIt glows beautifully. |
 | Powder Jar | A jar for storing BERRY POWDER\nmade using a BERRY CRUSHER. |
 | Ruby | An exquisitely beautiful gem that\nhas a red glow.\nIt symbolizes passion. |
 | Sapphire | An exquisitely beautiful gem that\nhas a blue glow.\nIt symbolizes honesty. |
 | Magma Emblem | Magma Emblem |
 | Old Sea Map | Old Sea Map |
 | Training Link | An untradeable item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt makes the holder forget any new battle\nexperience while retaining effort values. |
 | Name Change Contract | An item which can be used to change your character's name.\n\nCan only be used once. |
 | Mystery Box | A mysterious box which contains an unknown reward.\n\nUse to open. |
 | Makeover Kit | An item which can be used to change your character's base appearance.\n\nCan only be used once. |
 | Team Name Change Plaque | An item which can be used to change your team's name and tag.\n\nCan only be used once.\nMust be used by team leader. |
 | Ability Pill | A pill that can be used to switch the\nability of a {STRING_0}.\nIs consumed on use. |
 | Spooky Candy | A scary looking snack.\n\nIt restores the HP of one {STRING_0}\nby a random amount. |
 | Goodie Bag (2015) | A scary looking goodie bag which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2015. Use to open. |
 | Bad Candy | -- |
 | Big Robot Part | A large piece of a robot.\n\nIt's really heavy! |
 | Tiny Robot Part | A small piece of a robot. |
 | Xmas Present (2015) | A fancy looking present which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2015. Use to open. |
 | Donator Status Ticket 7 DAYS | An item which can be used to promote\nyour account to Donator Status.\n\nDonator Status benefits include:\n+25% EXP in battles.\n+10% chance of encountering shinies.\n+10% faster egg hatching.\n+5% money gain from trainers. |
 | Donator Status Ticket 15 DAYS | An item which can be used to promote\nyour account to Donator Status.\n\nDonator Status benefits include:\n+25% EXP in battles.\n+10% chance of encountering shinies.\n+10% faster egg hatching.\n+5% money gain from trainers. |
 | Donator Status Ticket 30 DAYS | An item which can be used to promote\nyour account to Donator Status.\n\nDonator Status benefits include:\n+25% EXP in battles.\n+10% chance of encountering shinies.\n+10% faster egg hatching.\n+5% money gain from trainers. |
 | Harvesting Tool | An item which can be used to extract seeds from berries.\n\nConsumed upon use |
 | Unbreakable Harvesting Tool | An item which can be used to extract seeds from berries. |
 | Plain Spicy Seed | A spicy seed which can be planted in loamy soil to grow certain berries. |
 | Very Spicy Seed | A spicy seed which can be planted in loamy soil to grow certain berries. |
 | Plain Dry Seed | A dry seed which can be planted in loamy soil to grow certain berries. |
 | Very Dry Seed | A dry seed which can be planted in loamy soil to grow certain berries. |
 | Plain Sweet Seed | A sweet seed which can be planted in loamy soil to grow certain berries. |
 | Very Sweet Seed | A sweet seed which can be planted in loamy soil to grow certain berries. |
 | Plain Bitter Seed | A bitter seed which can be planted in loamy soil to grow certain berries. |
 | Very Bitter Seed | A bitter seed which can be planted in loamy soil to grow certain berries. |
 | Plain Sour Seed | A sour seed which can be planted in loamy soil to grow certain berries. |
 | Very Sour Seed | A sour seed which can be planted in loamy soil to grow certain berries. |
 | Exp. Reamplifier | An item which distributes EXP and EVs among all healthy {STRING_0}, even if they don't participate in battle.\n\n25% of battle EXP gained is shared among active {STRING_0}, the rest is split between the whole party. Each {STRING_0} also gains an additional +5% of the total amount earned from the battle.\n\n{STRING_245216} effects are negated while this item is active.\n\nUse to activate or deactivate. |
 | Lure | A lure which attracts wild {STRING_0} for 100 steps. It has several effects while active:\n\n- Encounter rates increased by +10%\n- Foes are slightly stronger than normal {STRING_0} in the area\n- You may encounter more foes at the same time\n- 5% chance to encounter lure-exclusive species\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Super Lure | A lure which attracts wild {STRING_0} for 200 steps. It has several effects while active:\n\n- Encounter rates increased by +10%\n- Foes are slightly stronger than normal {STRING_0} in the area\n- You may encounter more foes at the same time\n- 5% chance to encounter lure-exclusive species\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Expert Lure | A lure which attracts wild {STRING_0} for 250 steps. It has several effects while active:\n\n- Encounter rates increased by +10%\n- Foes are slightly stronger than normal {STRING_0} in the area\n- You may encounter more foes at the same time\n- 5% chance to encounter lure-exclusive species\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Premium Lure | A premium lure which attracts wild {STRING_0} for 200 steps. It has several effects while active:\n\n- +25% encounter rates\n- Foes are stronger than normal encounters in the area\n- You may encounter more foes at the same time\n- 10% chance to encounter lure-exclusive species\n- Small hordes (3) may increase in size\n- If you encounter a Shiny {STRING_0}, "Secret Shiny" rates are increased by +25%\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Premium Super Lure | A premium lure which attracts wild {STRING_0} for 300 steps. It has several effects while active:\n\n- +25% encounter rates\n- Foes are stronger than normal encounters in the area\n- You may encounter more foes at the same time\n- 10% chance to encounter lure-exclusive species\n- Small hordes (3) may increase in size\n- If you encounter a Shiny {STRING_0}, "Secret Shiny" rates are increased by +25%\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Premium Max Lure | A premium lure which attracts wild {STRING_0} for 400 steps. It has several effects while active:\n\n- +25% encounter rates\n- Foes are stronger than normal encounters in the area\n- You may encounter more foes at the same time\n- 10% chance to encounter lure-exclusive species\n- Small hordes (3) may increase in size\n- If you encounter a Shiny {STRING_0}, "Secret Shiny" rates are increased by +25%\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | White Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Black Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Blue Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Cyan Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Teal Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Green Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Olive Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Lime Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Yellow Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Orange Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Brown Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Red Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Pink Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Amethyst Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Purple Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Violet Dye | An item which can be used to dye certain cosmetic items.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Armor Fossil | A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon\nthat lived on the land. It appears to\nbe part of a collar. |
 | Skull Fossil | A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon\nthat lived on the land. It appears to\nbe part of a head. |
 | PVP Mystery Box (Legacy) | A mysterious box which contains an unknown reward.\n\nUse to open. |
 | Genderswap Ticket | An item which can be used to change your character's gender and base appearance.\n\nCan only be used once. |
 | {STRING_270600} | Raises the {STRING_310418} of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270601} | Raises the {STRING_310419} of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270602} | Raises the {STRING_310420} of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270603} | Raises the {STRING_310421} of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270604} | Raises the {STRING_310422} of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270612} | Raises all contest stats of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270600} Plus | Greatly raises the {STRING_310418} of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270601} Plus | Greatly raises the {STRING_310419} of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270602} Plus | Greatly raises the {STRING_310420} of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270603} Plus | Greatly raises the {STRING_310421} of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270604} Plus | Greatly raises the {STRING_310422} of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270612} Plus | Greatly raises all contest stats of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | {STRING_270611} | Lowers all contest stats of\na {STRING_0}. |
 | Berry Powder | A sweet powder which can be used to craft medicine. |
 | PC Expansion Drive | An item which can be used to expand\nthe PC of a single character by 60 slots.\n\n{00}/{01} uses left. |
 | 不明なアイテム | クライアントは現在\nこのアイテムをサポートしていません。\n必要なROMがすべて揃っていることを確認してください。 |
 | Goodie Bag (2016) | A scary looking goodie bag which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2016.\nUse to open. |
 | Xmas Present (2016) | A fancy looking present\nwhich contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2016.\nUse to open. |
 | Children's Present | A fancy looking present.\n\nSanta is asking for these. |
 | Xmas Present (2017) | A fancy looking present\nwhich contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2017.\nUse to open. |
 | Goodie Bag (2018) | A scary looking goodie bag\nwhich contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2018.\nUse to open. |
 | Pumpking Goodie Bag (2018) | A scary looking goodie bag\nwhich contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2018.\nUse to open. |
 | Special Candy | A fancy looking snack.\n\nIt restores the HP of one {STRING_0}\nby a random amount. |
 | Xmas Present (2018) | A fancy looking present\nwhich contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2018.\nUse to open. |
 | Santa's Present (2018) | A fancy looking present\nwhich contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2018.\nUse to open. |
 | Rare Candy | A candy that is packed with energy.\nIt raises the level of a single Pokémon\nby one. |
 | Cheri Berry | If held by a Pokémon, \nit recovers from paralysis. |
 | Chesto Berry | If held by a Pokémon,\nit recovers from sleep. |
 | Pecha Berry | If held by a Pokémon,\nit recovers from poison. |
 | Rawst Berry | If held by a Pokémon,\nit recovers from a burn. |
 | Aspear Berry | If held by a Pokémon,\nit defrosts it. |
 | Leppa Berry | If held by a Pokémon,\nit restores a move's PP by 10. |
 | Oran Berry | If held by a Pokémon, \nit heals the user by just 10 HP. |
 | Persim Berry | If held by a Pokémon,\nit recovers from confusion. |
 | Lum Berry | If held by a Pokémon,\nit recovers from any status problem. |
 | Sitrus Berry | When held by a {STRING_0},\nif their HP falls below half,\nit will heal for a quarter of their max HP. |
 | Figy Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it restores the\nuser's HP in a pinch, but will cause\nconfusion if it hates the taste. |
 | Wiki Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it restores the\nuser's HP in a pinch, but will cause\nconfusion if it hates the taste. |
 | Mago Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it restores the\nuser's HP in a pinch, but will cause\nconfusion if it hates the taste. |
 | Aguav Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it restores the\nuser's HP in a pinch, but will cause\nconfusion if it hates the taste. |
 | Iapapa Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it restores the\nuser's HP in a pinch, but will cause\nconfusion if it hates the taste. |
 | Razz Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Bluk Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Nanab Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Wepear Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Pinap Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Pomeg Berry | Using it on a Pokémon makes it more\nfriendly, but it also lowers its base HP. |
 | Kelpsy Berry | Using it on a Pokémon makes it more\nfriendly, but it also lowers its base\nAttack stat. |
 | Qualot Berry | Using it on a Pokémon makes it more\nfriendly, but it also lowers its base\nDefense stat. |
 | Hondew Berry | Using it on a Pokémon makes it more\nfriendly, but it also lowers its base\nSp. Atk stat. |
 | Grepa Berry | Using it on a Pokémon makes it more\nfriendly, but it also lowers its base\nSp. Def stat. |
 | Tamato Berry | Using it on a Pokémon makes it more\nfriendly, but it also lowers its base\nSpeed stat. |
 | Cornn Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Magost Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Rabuta Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Nomel Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Spelon Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Pamtre Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Watmel Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Durin Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Belue Berry | A Berry which is very rare in the\nUnova region.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Liechi Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it raises its\nAttack stat in a pinch. |
 | Ganlon Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it raises its\nDefense stat in a pinch. |
 | Salac Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it raises its\nSpeed stat in a pinch. |
 | Petaya Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it raises its\nSp. Atk stat in a pinch. |
 | Apicot Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it raises its\nSp. Def stat in a pinch. |
 | Lansat Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it raises its\ncritical-hit ratio in a pinch. |
 | Starf Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it sharply raises\none of its stats in a pinch. |
 | Enigma Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it restores\nits HP if it is hit by any\nsupereffective attack. |
 | {STRING_110015} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use\n{STRING_110015} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nRequires a certain badge in each region to use. |
 | {STRING_110019} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use\n{STRING_110019} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nRequires a certain badge in each region to use. |
 | {STRING_110057} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use\n{STRING_110057} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nRequires a certain badge in each region to use. |
 | {STRING_110070} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use\n{STRING_110070} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nRequires a certain badge in each region to use. |
 | {STRING_110148} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use\n{STRING_110148} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nRequires a certain badge in each region to use. |
 | {STRING_110249} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use\n{STRING_110249} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nRequires a certain badge in each region to use. |
 | {STRING_110127} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use\n{STRING_110127} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nRequires a certain badge in each region to use. |
 | {STRING_110291} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use\n{STRING_110291} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nRequires a certain badge in each region to use. |
 | {STRING_110431} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use\n{STRING_110431} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nRequires a certain badge in each region to use. |
 | {STRING_110432} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use\n{STRING_110432} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nRequires a certain badge in each region to use. |
 | 100RP Reward Point Voucher | An item which increases the Reward Points\nof an account by 100RP.\n\nReward Points given by Vouchers can't\nbe used to purchase other Vouchers.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | 500RP Reward Point Voucher | An item which increases the Reward Points\nof an account by 500RP.\n\nReward Points given by Vouchers can't\nbe used to purchase other Vouchers.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | 1,000RP Reward Point Voucher | An item which increases the Reward Points\nof an account by 1,000RP.\n\nReward Points given by Vouchers can't\nbe used to purchase other Vouchers.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | {STRING_245231} (Small) | An item which increases the amount of EXP gained for a short period of\ntime.\n\n1.50x EXP gain.\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 30 minutes. |
 | Battle Box Expansion Drive | An item which can be used to expand\nthe PC to include 3 more Battle Boxes.\n\n{00}/{01} uses left. |
 | {STRING_110250} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use\n{STRING_110250} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nRequires a certain badge in each region to use. |
 | {STRING_110091} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use {STRING_110091} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances. |
 | {STRING_110100} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use {STRING_110100} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances. |
 | {STRING_110029} Ocarina | Summons a {STRING_0} which will use {STRING_110029} outside of a battle.\n\nCannot be used in certain instances.\n\nThis item may only be used in {STRING_250004}. |
 | Ocarina Bundle | This bundle includes all Ocarina items.\nUse to open. |
 | Occa Berry | Weakens a supereffective Fire-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Passho Berry | Weakens a supereffective Water-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Wacan Berry | Weakens a supereffective Electric-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Rindo Berry | Weakens a supereffective Grass-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Yache Berry | Weakens a supereffective Ice-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Chople Berry | Weakens a supereffective Fighting-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Kebia Berry | Weakens a supereffective Poison-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Shuca Berry | Weakens a supereffective Ground-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Coba Berry | Weakens a supereffective Flying-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Payapa Berry | Weakens a supereffective Psychic-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Tanga Berry | Weakens a supereffective Bug-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Charti Berry | Weakens a supereffective Rock-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Kasib Berry | Weakens a supereffective Ghost-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Haban Berry | Weakens a supereffective Dragon-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Colbur Berry | Weakens a supereffective Dark-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Babiri Berry | Weakens a supereffective Steel-type\nattack against the holding Pokémon. |
 | Chilan Berry | Weakens a Normal-type attack against\nthe Pokémon holding this berry. |
 | Micle Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it raises the\naccuracy of a move just once in a pinch. |
 | Custap Berry | If held by a Pokémon, it gets to move\nfirst just once in a pinch. |
 | Jaboca Berry | If held by a Pokémon and a physical\nattack lands, the attacker also\ntakes damage. |
 | Rowap Berry | If held by a Pokémon and a special\nattack lands, the attacker also\ntakes damage. |
 | Red Envelope (2019) | A red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2019.\nUse to open. |
 | Lucky Red Envelope (2019) | An extra lucky red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2019.\nUse to open. |
 | Red Firework | A festive Firework.\n\nCan only be used once. |
 | Purple Firework | A festive Firework.\n\nCan only be used once. |
 | Yellow Firework | A festive Firework.\n\nCan only be used once. |
 | Green Firework | A festive Firework.\n\nCan only be used once. |
 | Mandarin | A delicious looking fruit.\nUnfortunately there's nothing written on it.\n\nIt restores the HP of one {STRING_0} slightly. |
 | Lucky Gold Coin | A heavy gold coin.\n\n{STRING_150186} is looking for these. |
 | Lucky Copper Coin | A heavy copper coin.\n\nCan be sold for Gold Coins or exchanged to a {STRING_150186} to restock its shop with new items. |
 | Goodie Bag (2019) | A scary looking bag of treats which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2019.\nUse to open. |
 | Pumpking Goodie Bag (2019) | A scary looking bag of treats which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2019.\nUse to open. |
 | Broom Cookie | A tasty cookie exclusive to Halloween.\nIt restores HP when eaten, but causes a Sugar Rush in battle.\n\nWhen fighting Pumpking, eating the cookie will clear stat drops on the allied field, stat boosts on the foe's field, and cloaks the allied field with {STRING_110054} for 2 turns. |
 | Bat Cookie | A tasty cookie exclusive\nto Halloween. It restores HP\nwhen eaten, but causes a\nSugar Rush in battle.\n\nWhen fighting Pumpking,\neating this cookie will grant\nparty members the ability {STRING_210064} and\ncauses attacks to drain their target.\n\nEffects last 5 turns. |
 | Pumpkin Cookie | A tasty cookie exclusive to Halloween.\nIt restores HP when eaten, but causes a Sugar Rush in battle.\n\nWhen fighting Pumpking, eating the cookie will heal the allied field by 33% of their maximum HP. |
 | Ghost Cookie | A tasty cookie exclusive to Halloween.\nIt restores HP when eaten, but causes a Sugar Rush in battle.\n\nWhen fighting Pumpking, eating the cookie will heal any status ailments of allies. |
 | Cat Cookie | A tasty cookie exclusive to Halloween.\nIt restores HP when eaten, but causes a Sugar Rush in battle.\n\nWhen fighting Pumpking, eating the cookie will double the allied field's speed for 4 turns. |
 | Red Envelope (2020) | A red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2020.\nUse to open. |
 | Lucky Red Envelope (2020) | An extra lucky red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2020.\nUse to open. |
 | Firecrackers | The user's attacks make a loud noise that may cause opponents to flinch. |
 | Rat Token | A cute charm that makes the user more nimble and capable of evading attacks. |
 | Broom | Sweeps away good and bad luck.\n\nAttacks will never miss, or land a critical hit. |
 | Dragon Scale Blanket | Tough red scales woven into a blanket.\n\nWhen worn, it may reduce damage taken from attacks. |
 | Dumplings | A delicious meal that tastes even better when shared with others.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Jump Stone | An especially buoyant stone. |
 | Super HP Up | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base HP of a single\nPokémon. |
 | Hyper HP Up | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base HP of a single\nPokémon. |
 | Max HP Up | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base HP of a single\nPokémon. |
 | Super Protein | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Attack stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Hyper Protein | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Attack stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Max Protein | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Attack stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Super Iron | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Defense stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Hyper Iron | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Defense stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Max Iron | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Defense stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Super Carbos | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Speed stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Hyper Carbos | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Speed stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Max Carbos | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Speed stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Super Calcium | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Sp. Atk (Special\nAttack) stat of a single Pokémon. |
 | Hyper Calcium | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Sp. Atk (Special\nAttack) stat of a single Pokémon. |
 | Max Calcium | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Sp. Atk (Special\nAttack) stat of a single Pokémon. |
 | Super Zinc | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Sp. Def (Special\nDefense) stat of a single Pokémon. |
 | Hyper Zinc | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Sp. Def (Special\nDefense) stat of a single Pokémon. |
 | Max Zinc | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Sp. Def (Special\nDefense) stat of a single Pokémon. |
 | Mysterious Gem Cluster | A cluster of gems with no notable attributes.\n\nThey may be imbued with a specialty if combined with other items.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | The Mystery Of Jumpeon | A long-winded book by a mysterious author. |
 | Multi Vitamin Pack | A bundle filled with vitamins.\n\nUse to open. |
 | Breeding Assistance Pack | A bundle filled with tools useful for breeding.\n\nUse to open. |
 | PVP Mystery Box | A mysterious box which contains an unknown reward.\n\nUse to open. |
 | Move Tool Pack | A bundle filled with a random assortment of move tools.\n\nUse to open. |
 | Goodie Bag (2020) | A scary looking bag of treats which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2020. Use to open. |
 | Pumpking Goodie Bag (2020) | A scary looking bag of treats which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2020. Use to open. |
 | Xmas Present (2020) | A fancy looking present which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2020.\nUse to open. |
 | Santa's Present (2020) | A fancy looking present which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2020.\nUse to open. |
 | Evolution Charm | A charm which induces evolution on the target.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Mooncake | A rejuvenating, tasty treat to celebrate the Moon Festival.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Strength Charm | A charm which increases all EVs of the target.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Red Envelope (2021) | A red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2021.\nUse to open. |
 | Lucky Red Envelope (2021) | An extra lucky red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2021.\nUse to open. |
 | Goodie Bag (2021) | A scary looking bag of treats which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2021.\nUse to open. |
 | Pumpking Goodie Bag (2021) | A scary looking bag of treats which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2021.\nUse to open. |
 | Self Destruct Button | Causes the current Elfbot to explode. |
 | Repair Kit | Fully revives your Elfbot.\n\nMay only be used out of battle.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Xmas Present (2021) | A fancy looking present which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2021.\nUse to open. |
 | Santa's Present (2021) | A fancy looking present which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2021.\nUse to open. |
 | Red Envelope (2022) | A red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2022.\nUse to open. |
 | Lucky Red Envelope (2022) | An extra lucky red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2022.\nUse to open. |
 | Ability Patch (Fire) | An item to be used with a starter {STRING_0} which unlocks its Hidden Ability.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Ability Patch (Grass) | An item to be used with a starter {STRING_0} which unlocks its Hidden Ability.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Ability Patch (Water) | An item to be used with a starter {STRING_0} which unlocks its Hidden Ability.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Ability Patch | An item to be used with a {STRING_0}. Unlocks Hidden Ability potential.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Anniversary Medallion | A special medallion which may be exchanged to challenge certain trainers. |
 | Hitodama Particle Effect | {STRING_11202}{STRING_10999} |
 | Bats Particle Effect | {STRING_11203}{STRING_10999} |
 | Ghosts Particle Effect | {STRING_11204}{STRING_10999} |
 | The Eye Particle Effect | {STRING_11205}{STRING_10999} |
 | Pumpking's Delight Particle Effect | {STRING_11206}{STRING_10999} |
 | Rising Star Particle Effect | {STRING_11207}{STRING_10999} |
 | Snowflake Particle Effect | {STRING_11208}{STRING_10999} |
 | Present Particle Effect | {STRING_11209}{STRING_10999} |
 | Paper Lantern Particle Effect | {STRING_11210}{STRING_10999} |
 | Fireworks Particle Effect | {STRING_11211}{STRING_10999} |
 | Pungent Stench Particle Effect | {STRING_11212}{STRING_10999} |
 | Black Hole Particle Effect | {STRING_11213}{STRING_10999} |
 | Witch's Haze Particle Effect | {STRING_11214}{STRING_10999} |
 | Pumpkid's Treat Particle Effect | {STRING_11215}{STRING_10999} |
 | Witch's Cat Particle Effect | Wait, where'd you come from?\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Pumpcat Particle Effect | Pumpking's favorite pest.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | White Kitty Particle Effect | Wait, where'd you come from?\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Spinning Scythe Particle Effect | Incoming!\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Spider's Web Particle Effect | Don't get bit.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Zombie Grip Particle Effect | Watch your step.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Zodiac Particle Effect | Celebrating the new year.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Eerie Howl Particle Effect | One of the pack.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Graveyard Particle Effect | Ghouls only.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | King's Fall Particle Effect | A bountiful harvest.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Red Dragon Particle Effect | Enter the dragon.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Anniversary Cake Particle Effect | Happy Birthday, PokeMMO!\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | {STRING_250000} Friends Particle Effect | The Classic Trio\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Shiny {STRING_250000} Friends Particle Effect | The Classic Trio\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Menacing Spirit Particle Effect | An intimidating foe.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Shiny Menacing Spirit Particle Effect | An intimidating foe.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Xmas Decorations Particle Effect | A festive occasion.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Spirit Of Spring Particle Effect | Spring's blessings\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Phantom Particle Effect | Purranormal activity.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Shiny Phantom Particle Effect | Purranormal activity.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Dark Crystal Particle Effect | Surging with evil energy.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Shiny Dark Crystal Particle Effect | Surging with evil energy.\n\nUse to assign this particle to a Pokémon.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | {STRING_101120} (+25%) | A charm which increases the player's party EXP gain.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101120} (+50%) | A charm which increases the player's party EXP gain.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101120} (+100%) | A charm which increases the player's party EXP gain.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101122} (+25%) | A charm which increases chances to find items in wild battles. It increases the chance of a {STRING_0} holding an item and the rate at which items are randomly found.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101122} (+50%) | A charm which increases chances to find items in wild battles. It increases the chance of a {STRING_0} holding an item and the rate at which items are randomly found.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101122} (+100%) | A charm which increases chances to find items in wild battles. It increases the chance of a {STRING_0} holding an item and the rate at which items are randomly found.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101124} (+25%) | A charm which increases the amount of battle points won in PvE and PvP.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101124} (+50%) | A charm which increases the amount of battle points won in PvE and PvP.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101124} (+100%) | A charm which increases the amount of battle points won in PvE and PvP.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101126} (+10%) | A charm which increases the chance to\nencounter a shiny {STRING_0}.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 5% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101126} (+15%) | A charm which increases the chance to\nencounter a shiny {STRING_0}.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 5% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101126} (+20%) | A charm which increases the chance to\nencounter a shiny {STRING_0}.\n\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 5% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101128} (+75%) | A charm which increases the money gained in trainer battles.\n\nDoes not stack with other money bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101128} (+100%) | A charm which increases the money gained in trainer battles.\n\nDoes not stack with other money bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | {STRING_101128} (+150%) | A charm which increases the money gained in trainer battles.\n\nDoes not stack with other money bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour.\nLink members receive a 10% bonus. |
 | EXP Candy (XS) | A candy packed with energy.\n\nIncreases a {STRING_0}'s experience by a fixed amount. |
 | EXP Candy (S) | A candy packed with energy.\n\nIncreases a {STRING_0}'s experience by a fixed amount. |
 | EXP Candy (M) | A candy packed with energy.\n\nIncreases a {STRING_0}'s experience by a fixed amount. |
 | EXP Candy (L) | A candy packed with energy.\n\nIncreases a {STRING_0}'s experience by a fixed amount. |
 | EXP Candy (XL) | A candy packed with energy.\n\nIncreases a {STRING_0}'s experience by a fixed amount. |
 | Anniversary Chest | A fancy looking box which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for PokeMMO's 10th Anniversary.\nUse to open. |
 | Golden Anniversary Chest | A very fancy looking box which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for PokeMMO's 10th Anniversary.\nUse to open. |
 | Prismatic Pearl | A rainbow-infused pearl rumored to have been harvested from an oddly colored {STRING_150366}.\n\nAllows transferring the Hidden Ability potential of a {STRING_0} to another within the same evolution line.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Assault Gear | A special jacket which raises the holder's Special Defense by 50%.\n\nIt prevents the use of all Status moves except "{STRING_110382}" in battle. |
 | Goodie Bag (2022) | A scary looking bag of treats which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2022. Use to open. |
 | Pumpking Goodie Bag (2022) | A scary looking bag of treats which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2022. Use to open. |
 | Reinforced Boots | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}. These thick-soled boots guard against entry hazards like {STRING_110191}. |
 | Mysterious {STRING_245004} (2022) | A mysterious {STRING_245004} which contains an unknown reward.\n\nExclusive to Xmas 2022. |
 | Mysterious {STRING_245003} (2022) | A mysterious {STRING_245003} which contains an unknown reward.\n\nExclusive to Xmas 2022. |
 | Mysterious {STRING_245002} (2022) | A mysterious {STRING_245002} which contains an unknown reward.\n\nExclusive to Xmas 2022. |
 | Mysterious {STRING_245012} (2022) | A mysterious {STRING_245012} which contains an unknown reward.\n\nExclusive to Xmas 2022. |
 | Xmas Present (2022) | A fancy looking present which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2022. Use to open. |
 | Santa's Present (2022) | A fancy looking present which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2022. Use to open. |
 | Rat Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a rat.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Ox Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a ox.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Tiger Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a tiger.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Rabbit Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a rabbit.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Dragon Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a dragon.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Snake Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a snake.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Horse Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a horse.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Goat Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a goat.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Monkey Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a monkey.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Rooster Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a rooster.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Dog Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a dog.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Pig Zodiac Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a pig.\nCollecting more of these may lead to special encounters. |
 | Dying Flower | A dying flower found when defeating a challenging foe.\nMaybe something can revive it? |
 | Gracidea | A flower sometimes bundled in bouquets\nto convey gratitude on special\noccasions like birthdays. |
 | Hardy Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Lonely Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Brave Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Adamant Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Naughty Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Bold Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Docile Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Relaxed Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Impish Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Lax Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Timid Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Hasty Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Serious Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Jolly Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Naive Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Modest Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Mild Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Quiet Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Bashful Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Rash Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Calm Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Gentle Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Sassy Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Careful Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Quirky Nature Herb | An herb which modifies the Nature of a {STRING_0}. It can only be used with some Legendary {STRING_0} and {STRING_150201}.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Red Envelope (2023) | A red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2023.\nUse to open. |
 | Lucky Red Envelope (2023) | A red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2023.\nUse to open. |
 | Rainbow Quill | A special feather which may be used to alter the IVs of certain {STRING_0} by 1.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Legendary Lure | A special lure which attracts roaming Legendary {STRING_0} and others for 300 steps. It has several effects while active:\n\n- +15% encounter rates\n- +30% chance to encounter a Roaming Legendary if not already captured\n- Foes are stronger than normal encounters in the area\n- You may encounter more foes at the same time\n- 8% chance to encounter lure-exclusive species\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Goodie Bag (2023) | A scary looking goodie bag which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2023. Use to open. |
 | Pumpking Goodie Bag (2023) | A scary looking goodie bag which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2023. Use to open. |
 | Mysterious {STRING_245004} (2023) | A mysterious {STRING_245004} which contains an unknown reward. It has a high base chance to contain a Shiny {STRING_0} (1/8,000).\n\nExclusive to Xmas 2023. |
 | Mysterious {STRING_245003} (2023) | A mysterious {STRING_245003} which contains an unknown reward. It has a very high base chance to contain a Shiny {STRING_0} (1/4,000).\n\nExclusive to Xmas 2023. |
 | Mysterious {STRING_245002} (2023) | A mysterious {STRING_245002} which contains an unknown reward. It has an exceptionally high base chance to contain a Shiny {STRING_0} (1/2,500).\n\nExclusive to Xmas 2023. |
 | Mysterious {STRING_245012} (2023) | A mysterious {STRING_245012} which contains an unknown reward. It has a very high base chance to contain a Shiny {STRING_0} (1/4,000).\n\nExclusive to Xmas 2023. |
 | Elemental Orb | A special orb which may be used to alter the IVs of certain {STRING_0} by 1.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Wishing Stone | A mysterious stone which doesn't seem to have a use right now. Better hang on to it. |
 | Mystic Mirror | A mysterious mirror.\n\nAllows you to change any aspect of your base appearance, including gender and skin tone.\n\nCan only be used once. |
 | Mysterious Cherish Ball (2024) | A mysterious {STRING_245016} which contains an unknown reward. It has a high base chance to contain a Shiny {STRING_0} (1/6,000).\n\nExclusive to Lunar New Year 2024. |
 | Red Envelope (2024) | A red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2024.\nUse to open. |
 | Lucky Red Envelope (2024) | An extra lucky red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2024.\nUse to open. |
 | Mellow Bait | A smooth-flavored bait which makes Pokémon more receptive to being captured. |
 | Hearty Bait | A savory bait which increases a random IV of a Pokémon. |
 | Giant Bait | A filling bait which takes a long time to eat. |
 | Witch Cookie | A tasty cookie exclusive to Halloween.\nIt restores HP when eaten, but causes a Sugar Rush in battle.\n\nWhen fighting Pumpking, eating the cookie will cause the Pokémon to make a wish for its allies to be healed at the end of the next turn. |
 | Werewolf Cookie | A tasty cookie exclusive to Halloween.\nIt restores HP when eaten, but causes a Sugar Rush in battle.\n\nWhen fighting Pumpking, eating the cookie will boost all allies' Attack and Sp. Attack by 1 stage. |
 | Mysterious Shard | A metal shard which appears to be part of some sort of tool. |
 | Mysterious Handle | It appears to be part of a metal tool. |
 | Carving Blade | It's too dangerous to use without a handle! |
 | Pumpkin Carving Knife | A knife used to carve pumpkins.\n\nWhen used against Pumpking, it causes the opponents to flinch.\n\nCan only be used once per phase. |
 | Darkrai Summoning Orb | Summons a Darkrai for a limited amount of time. Its power grows stronger every time it's summoned. |
 | Mysterious Dusk Ball | A mysterious Dusk Ball which contains an unknown reward. It has a high base chance to contain a Shiny Pokémon (1/6,000). |
 | Dream Essence | A distillation of stolen dreams. It may be used to alter the IVs of certain Pokémon by 1.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | {STRING_101116} (Elfbot) | A mysterious potion which transforms the user's appearance.\n\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last for 1 hour. |
 | {STRING_101118} (Elfbot) | A mysterious potion which transforms the user's appearance.\n\nUnlimited uses.\nEffects last for 1 hour. |
 | {STRING_101116} (Robosanta) | A mysterious potion which transforms the user's appearance.\n\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last for 1 hour. |
 | {STRING_101118} (Robosanta) | A mysterious potion which transforms the user's appearance.\n\nUnlimited uses.\nEffects last for 1 hour. |
 | {STRING_101116} (Elf) | A mysterious potion which transforms the user's appearance.\n\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last for 1 hour. |
 | {STRING_101118} (Elf) | A mysterious potion which transforms the user's appearance.\n\nUnlimited uses.\nEffects last for 1 hour. |
 | Punching Gloves | An item to be held by a Pokémon. These gloves boost the power of the holder's punching moves and prevents contact when attacking foes. |
 | Pure Amulet | An item to be held by a Pokémon. It prevents the holder from having its stat stages lowered. It doesn't prevent stat clearing effects like Clear Smog or Haze. |
 | Covert Mantle | An item to be held by a Pokémon. This protective garment guards the holder from the additional effects of other Pokémon's damaging moves. |
 | Loaded Dice | An item to be held by a Pokémon. They boost the efficacy of multi-strike moves, letting them hit more often. |
 | Safety Goggles | An item to be held by a Pokémon. These protective goggles guard against powder moves, spore moves, and Sandstorm damage. |
 | Type Policy | An item to be held by a Pokémon. If the holder is hit by a super-effective move, Attack and Sp. Attack will sharply increase.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Accident Policy | An item to be held by a Pokémon. If the holder misses with an attack due to its Accuracy, Speed will sharply increase.\n\nIt doesn't activate if missing with an OHKO move or if the target is semi-invulnerable.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Mirror Herb | An item to be held by a Pokémon. When held, if an opponent increases their stat stages, the holder gets the same stat increases.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Throat Spray | An item to be held by a Pokémon. When the holder successfully uses a sound-based move, Sp. Attack is raised.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Ability Guard | An item to be held by a Pokémon. It prevents the holder from having its ability suppressed or changed by any effect. It also protects against effects which bypass abilities, like Mold Breaker. |
 | Protective Pads | An item to be held by a Pokémon. They prevent effects which trigger on contact when the holder attacks a foe. |
 | Room Service | An item to be held by a Pokémon. When Trick Room takes effect, the holder's Speed is lowered.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Eject Pack | An item to be held by a Pokémon. If the holder's stats are lowered, it will immediately switch with another Pokémon in your party.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Utility Umbrella | An item to be held by a Pokémon. When held, it prevents the effects of rain and harsh sunlight. It doesn't prevent other weather from affecting the holder. |
 | Snowball | An item to be held by a Pokémon. If the holder is hit by an Ice-type move, their Attack will increase.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Glowing Moss | An item to be held by a Pokémon. If the holder is hit by a Water-type move, their Sp. Defense will increase.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Deep Black Sphere | A glowing sphere which may be used to alter the IVs of certain Pokémon by 1.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Wilted Bouquet | A bundle of dying flowers.\nAlthough at the end of their lives, they yearn for one final Spring. |
 | Rejuvenated Bouquet | A bundle of flowers.\nFlower Paradise awaits. |
 | Nian Tablet | A mysterious tablet embossed with a Nian. |
 | Blank Tablet | A mysterious golden tablet. |
 | ElfUp: Gold Edition™ | Raises your current Elfbot's Level by 5.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Attribute Recombinator | Allows you to adjust your elfbot's EVs & Nature.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Energy Elixir | Raises the selected {STRING_0}'s level by 3.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Lost Present | A fancy looking present.\n\nSanta's looking for these.\nCan be exchanged in bundles of 5. |
 | Lost Big Present | A big, fancy looking present.\n\nSanta's looking for these.\nCan be exchanged in bundles of 5. |
 | Teleport Gem | Teleports you and all allies to the Shrine.\n\nCan only be used once by the Link Captain.\nRecharges when the Nian is defeated.\nCan't be used if anybody is busy. |
 | POKéNAV | |
 | POKéGEAR | |
 | Mystic Watch | An ancient, otherworldly-looking watch.\n\nUse to reset the cooldown of a Summoning Orb.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Catcher's Bag | A goodie bag given to those who did particularly well in the Bug Catching Contest.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Strange Chunk | A reward for defeating a Raid Boss. It seems attracted to other Strange Chunks. |
 | Dream Sphere | A hypnotizing sphere. Gazing into it makes you feel drowsy.. |
 | Goodie Bag | A scary looking goodie bag which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2024. Use to open. |
 | Pumpking Goodie Bag | A scary looking goodie bag which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Halloween 2024. Use to open. |
 | Mysterious Poké Ball | A mysterious Poké Ball which contains an unknown reward. It has a high base chance to contain a Shiny Pokémon (1/8,000).\n\nExclusive to Xmas 2024. |
 | Mysterious Great Ball | A mysterious Great Ball which contains an unknown reward. It has a high base chance to contain a Shiny Pokémon (1/6,000).\n\nExclusive to Xmas 2024. |
 | Mysterious Ultra Ball | A mysterious Ultra Ball which contains an unknown reward. It has a very high base chance to contain a Shiny Pokémon (1/4,000).\n\nExclusive to Xmas 2024. |
 | Pokémon's Wish Tag | Although only marked with a footprint, you can feel it represents that which a Pokémon desires most. |
 | Wishing Star | A culmination of hopes and dreams. |
 | Blank Wish Tag | A tag which can be written on to make dreams come true. It may be used to alter the IVs of certain Pokémon by 1.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Xmas Present | A fancy looking present which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2024. Use to open. |
 | Santa's Present | A fancy looking present which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Xmas 2024. Use to open. |
 | Mysterious {STRING_245016} | A mysterious Cherish Ball which contains an unknown reward. It has a high base chance to contain a Shiny Pokémon (1/6,000).\n\nExclusive to Lunar New Year 2025. |
 | Red Envelope | A red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2025.\nUse to open. |
 | Lucky Red Envelope | An extra lucky red envelope which contains an unknown reward.\n\nMay contain exclusive items for Lunar New Year 2025.\nUse to open. |
 | TM Focus Punch | The user focuses its mind before\nlaunching a punch. It will fail if\nthe user is hit before it is used. |
 | TM Water Pulse | The user attacks the target with a\npulsing blast of water. It may also\nconfuse the target. |
 | TM Bullet Seed | The user forcefully shoots seeds at\nthe target. Two to five seeds are\nshot in rapid succession. |
 | TM Giga Drain | A nutrient-draining attack. The\nuser's HP is restored by half the\ndamage taken by the target. |
 | TM Iron Tail | The target is slammed with a\nsteel-hard tail. It may also lower\nthe target's Defense stat. |
 | TM Shock Wave | The user strikes the target with a\nquick jolt of electricity. This\nattack cannot be evaded. |
 | TM Secret Power | The user attacks the target with a\nsecret power. Its added effects\nvary depending on the user's\nenvironment. |
 | TM Steel Wing | The target is hit with wings of\nsteel. It may also raise the user's\nDefense stat. |
 | TM Skill Swap | The user employs its psychic power\nto exchange Abilities with the\ntarget. |
 | TM Snatch | The user steals the effects of any\nhealing or stat-changing move the\nopponent attempts to use. |
 | TM Roost | The user lands and rests its body.\nIt restores the user's HP by up to\nhalf of its max HP. |
 | TM Brine | If the target's HP is down to about\nhalf, this attack will hit with\ndouble the power. |
 | TM Endure | The user endures any attack with at\nleast 1 HP. Its chance of failing\nrises if it is used in succession. |
 | TM Dragon Pulse | The target is attacked with a shock\nwave generated by the user's gaping\nmouth. |
 | TM Drain Punch | An energy-draining punch. The user's\nHP is restored by half the damage\ntaken by the target. |
 | TM Silver Wind | The target is attacked with powdery\nscales blown by wind. It may also\nraise all the user's stats. |
 | TM Recycle | The user recycles a held item that\nhas been used in battle so it can\nbe used again. |
 | TM Avalanche | An attack move that inflicts double\nthe damage if the user has been\nhurt by the target in the same\nturn. |
 | TM Stealth Rock | The user lays a trap of levitating\nstones around the opponent's team.\nThe trap hurts opponents that\nswitch into battle. |
 | TM Captivate | If it is the opposite gender of the\nuser, the target is charmed into\nharshly lowering its Sp. Atk stat. |
 | TM Dark Pulse | The user releases a horrible aura\nimbued with dark thoughts. It may\nalso make the target flinch. |
 | TM Sleep Talk | While it is asleep, the user\nrandomly uses one of the moves it\nknows. |
 | TM Natural Gift | The user draws power to attack by\nusing its held Berry. The Berry\ndetermines its type and power. |
 | TM Leech Life | The user drains the target's blood.\nThe user's HP is restored by half\nthe damage taken by the target. |
 | TM Nature Power | An attack that makes use of nature's\npower. Its effects vary depending\non the user's environment. |
 | TM Air Slash | The user attacks with a blade of air\nthat slices even the sky. It may\nalso make the target flinch. |
 | TM Bug Buzz | The user vibrates its wings to\ngenerate a damaging sound wave. It\nmay also lower the target's Sp. Def\nstat. |
 | TM Power Gem | The user attacks with a ray of light\nthat sparkles as if it were made of\ngemstones. |
 | TM Razor Wind | A two-turn attack. Blades of wind\nhit opposing Pokémon on the second\nturn. Critical hits land more\neasily. |
 | TM Brave Bird | The user tucks in its wings and\ncharges from a low altitude. The\nuser also takes serious damage. |
 | TM Whirlwind | The target is blown away, to be\nreplaced by another Pokémon in its\nparty. In the wild, the battle\nends. |
 | TM Nasty Plot | The user stimulates its brain by\nthinking bad thoughts. It sharply\nraises the user's Sp. Atk. |
 | TM Thunder Fang | The user bites with electrified\nfangs. It may also make the target\nflinch or leave it with paralysis. |
 | TM Ice Fang | The user bites with cold-infused\nfangs. It may also make the target\nflinch or leave it frozen. |
 | TM Fire Fang | The user bites with flame-cloaked\nfangs. It may also make the target\nflinch or leave it burned. |
 | TM Psycho Cut | The user tears at the target with\nblades formed by psychic power.\nCritical hits land more easily. |
 | TM Horn Drill | The user stabs the target with a\nhorn that rotates like a drill. If\nit hits, the target faints\ninstantly. |
 | TM Take Down | A reckless, full-body charge attack\nfor slamming into the target. It\nalso damages the user a little. |
 | TM Leaf Storm | The user whips up a storm of leaves\naround the target. The attack's\nrecoil harshly reduces the user's\nSp. Atk stat. |
 | TM Power Whip | The user violently whirls its vines\nor tentacles to harshly lash the\ntarget. |
 | TM Pin Missile | Sharp spikes are shot at the target\nin rapid succession. They hit two\nto five times in a row. |
 | TM Cross Poison | A slashing attack with a poisonous\nblade that may also leave the\ntarget poisoned. Critical hits land\nmore easily. |
 | TM Water Gun | The target is blasted with a\nforceful shot of water. |
 | TM Hydro Pump | The target is blasted by a huge\nvolume of water launched under\ngreat pressure. |
 | TM BubbleBeam | A spray of bubbles is forcefully\nejected at the opposing team. It\nmay also lower their Speed stats. |
 | TM Submission | The user grabs the target and\nrecklessly dives for the ground. It\nalso hurts the user slightly. |
 | TM Mega Drain | A nutrient-draining attack. The\nuser's HP is restored by half the\ndamage taken by the target. |
 | TM Dragon Rage | This attack hits the target with a\nshock wave of pure rage. This\nattack always inflicts 40 HP\ndamage. |
 | TM Fire Spin | The target becomes trapped within a\nfierce vortex of fire that rages\nfor four to five turns. |
 | TM Heavy Slam | The user slams into the target with\nits heavy body. The more the user\noutweighs the target, the greater\nits damage. |
 | TM Electro Ball | The user hurls an electric orb at\nthe target. The faster the user is\nthan the target, the greater the\ndamage. |
 | TM Fissure | The user opens up a fissure in the\nground and drops the target in. The\ntarget instantly faints if it\nhits. |
 | TM Agility | The user relaxes and lightens its\nbody to move faster. It sharply\nboosts the Speed stat. |
 | TM Rage | As long as this move is in use, the\npower of rage raises the Attack\nstat each time the user is hit in\nbattle. |
 | TM Teleport | When used by a Trainer, it switches\nthe user out no matter what. Wild\nPokémon may flee instantly. When\nused out of battle, it will warp\nyou to the last Pokémon Center. |
 | TM Stored Power | The user attacks the target with\nstored power. The more the user's\nstats are raised, the greater the\ndamage. |
 | TM Hex | This relentless attack does massive\ndamage to a target affected by\nstatus problems. |
 | TM Focus Energy | The user takes a deep breath and\nfocuses so that critical hits land\nmore easily. |
 | TM Bide | The user endures attacks for two\nturns, then strikes back to cause\ndouble the damage taken. |
 | TM Egg Bomb | A large egg is hurled at the target\nwith maximum force to inflict\ndamage. |
 | TM Skull Bash | The user tucks in its head to raise\nits Defense in the first turn, then\nrams the target on the next turn. |
 | TM Amnesia | The user temporarily empties its\nmind to forget its concerns. It\nsharply raises the user's Sp. Def\nstat. |
 | TM Razor Shell | The user cuts its target with sharp\nshells. This attack may also lower\nthe target's Defense stat. |
 | TM Heat Crash | The user slams its target with its\nflame- covered body. The more the\nuser outweighs the target, the\ngreater the damage. |
 | TM Tail Slap | The user attacks by striking the\ntarget with its hard tail. It hits\nthe target two to five times in a\nrow. |
 | TM Hurricane | The user attacks by wrapping its\nopponent in a fierce wind that\nflies up into the sky. It may also\nconfuse the target. |
 | TM Psywave | The target is attacked with an odd\npsychic wave. The attack varies in\nintensity. |
 | TM Tri Attack | The user strikes with a simultaneous\nthree-beam attack. May also burn,\nfreeze, or leave the target with\nparalysis. |
 | TM Curse | A move which functions differently\ndepending on the type of its user.\nWhen used by a Ghost, the target\nloses 1/4 of their maximum HP every\nturn, but the user immediately\nloses half of theirs. For other\ntypes, it will reduce Speed while\nincreasing Attack & Defense by 1\nstage. |
 | TM Reversal | An all-out attack that becomes more\npowerful the less HP the user has. |
 | TM Scary Face | The user frightens the target with a\nscary face to harshly reduce its\nSpeed stat. |
 | TM Spikes | The user lays a trap of spikes at\nthe opposing team's feet. The trap\nhurts Pokémon that switch into\nbattle. |
 | TM Zap Cannon | The user fires an electric blast\nlike a cannon to inflict damage and\ncause paralysis. |
 | TM Detect | It enables the user to evade all\nattacks. Its chance of failing\nrises if it is used in succession. |
 | TM Charm | The user gazes at the target rather\ncharmingly, making it less wary.\nThe target's Attack is harshly\nlowered. |
 | TM Megahorn | Using its tough and impressive horn,\nthe user rams into the target with\nno letup. |
 | TM DragonBreath | The user exhales a mighty gust that\ninflicts damage. It may also leave\nthe target with paralysis. |
 | TM Baton Pass | The user switches places with a\nPokémon in your party, passing\nalong some effects. Will not pass\nstat changes or status ailments. |
 | TM Encore | The user compels the target to keep\nusing only the move it last used\nfor three turns. |
 | TM Sweet Scent | Expels a sweet scent which lowers\nthe foe's Evasion. It lures hordes\nof Pokémon when used in areas which\nhave wild encounters, but requires\nmore PP. |
 | TM Crunch | Crunches the foe with its sharp\nteeth. It may lower their Defense\nstat. |
 | TM Future Sight | Two turns after this move is used, a\nhunk of psychic energy attacks the\ntarget. |
 | TM Whirlpool | Traps foes in a violent swirling\nwhirlpool for four to five turns. |
 | TM Beat Up | The user gets all party Pokémon to\nattack the target. The more party\nPokémon, the greater the number of\nattacks. |
 | TM Revenge | An attack move that inflicts double\nthe damage if the user has been\nhurt by the opponent in the same\nturn. |
 | TM Imprison | If the opponents know any move also\nknown by the user, the opponents\nare prevented from using it. |
 | TM Screech | An earsplitting screech harshly\nreduces the target's Defense stat. |
 | TM Blaze Kick | The user launches a kick that lands\na critical hit more easily. It may\nalso leave the target with a burn. |
 | TM Weather Ball | An attack move that varies in power\nand type depending on the weather. |
 | TM Fake Tears | The user feigns crying to fluster\nthe target, harshly lowering its\nSp. Def stat. |
 | TM Cosmic Power | The user absorbs a mystical power\nfrom space to raise its Defense and\nSp. Def stats. |
 | TM Sand Tomb | The user traps the target inside a\nharshly raging sandstorm for four\nto five turns. |
 | TM Muddy Water | The user attacks by shooting muddy\nwater at the opposing team. It may\nalso lower the targets' accuracy. |
 | TM Icicle Spear | The user launches sharp icicles at\nthe target. It strikes two to five\ntimes in a row. |
 | TM Mud Shot | The user attacks by hurling a blob\nof mud at the target. It also\nreduces the target's Speed. |
 | TM Magical Leaf | The user scatters curious leaves\nthat chase the target. This attack\nwill not miss. |
 | TM Leaf Blade | The user handles a sharp leaf like a\nsword and attacks by cutting its\ntarget. Critical hits land more\neasily. |
 | TM Dragon Dance | The user vigorously performs a\nmystic, powerful dance that boosts\nits Attack and Speed stats. |
 | TM Rock Blast | The user hurls hard rocks at the\ntarget. Two to five rocks are\nlaunched in quick succession. |
 | TM Close Combat | The user fights the target up close\nwithout guarding itself. It also\ncuts the user's Defense and Sp.\nDef. |
 | TM Assurance | If the target has already taken some\ndamage in the same turn, this\nattack's power is doubled. |
 | TM Power Swap | The user employs its psychic power\nto switch changes to its Attack and\nSp. Atk with the target. |
 | TM Guard Swap | The user employs its psychic power\nto switch changes to its Defense\nand Sp. Def with the target. |
 | TM Pay Day | Throws coins at the foe which are\nrecovered after the battle. The\namount of coins increases with the\nfoe's level. It's only effective\nonce per battle. |
 | TM Toxic Spikes | The user lays a trap of poison\nspikes at the opponent's feet. They\npoison opponents that switch into\nbattle. |
 | TM Flare Blitz | The user cloaks itself in fire and\ncharges at the target. The user\nsustains serious damage and may\nleave the target burned. |
 | TM Aura Sphere | The user looses a blast of aura\npower from deep within its body at\nthe target. This move is certain to\nhit. |
 | TM Counter | A retaliation move that counters any\nphysical attack, inflicting double\nthe damage taken. |
 | TM Metronome | The user waggles a finger and\nstimulates its brain into randomly\nusing nearly any move. |
 | TM Mega Kick | The target is attacked by a kick\nlaunched with muscle-packed power. |
 | TM Mega Punch | The target is slugged by a punch\nthrown with muscle-packed power. |
 | TM Double Edge | A reckless, life-risking tackle. It\nalso damages the user by a fairly\nlarge amount, however. |
 | TM Body Slam | The user drops onto the target with\nits full body weight. It may also\nleave the target with paralysis. |
 | TM Softboiled | Heals the user by half of its max\nHP. |
 | TM Rollout | The user continually rolls into the\ntarget over five turns. It becomes\nstronger each time it hits. |
 | TM DynamicPunch | The user punches the target with\nfull, concentrated power. It\nconfuses the target if it hits. |
 | TM Mimic | The user copies the target's last\nmove. The move can be used during\nbattle until the Pokémon is\nswitched out. |
 | TM Fury Cutter | The target is slashed with scythes\nor claws. Its power increases if it\nhits in succession. |
 | TM Seismic Toss | The target is thrown using the power\nof gravity. It inflicts damage\nequal to the user's level. |
 | TM Mud Slap | The user hurls mud in the target's\nface to inflict damage and lower\nits accuracy. |
 | TM Psybeam | The target is attacked with a\npeculiar ray. It may also cause\nconfusion. |
 | TM Confuse Ray | The target is exposed to a sinister\nray that triggers confusion. |
 | TM Poison Tail | The user hits the target with its\ntail. It may also poison the\ntarget. Critical hits land more\neasily. |
 | TM Metal Claw | The target is raked with steel\nclaws. It may also raise the user's\nAttack stat. |
 | TM Swift | Star-shaped rays are shot at the\nopposing team. This attack never\nmisses. |
 | TM Icy Wind | The user attacks with a gust of\nchilled air. It also reduces the\ntargets' Speed stat. |
 | TM Air Cutter | The user launches razor-like wind to\nslash the opposing team. Critical\nhits land more easily. |
 | TM Night Shade | The user makes the target see a\nfrightening mirage. It inflicts\ndamage matching the user's level. |
 | TM Foul Play | The user turns the target's power\nagainst it. The higher the target's\nAttack stat, the greater the\ndamage. |
 | TM Seed Bomb | The user slams a barrage of\nhard-shelled seeds down on the\ntarget from above. |
 | TM Iron Head | The user slams the target with its\nsteel-hard head. It may also make\nthe target flinch. |
 | TM Gunk Shot | The user shoots filthy garbage at\nthe target to attack. It may also\npoison the target. |
 | TM Iron Defense | The user hardens its body's surface\nlike iron, sharply raising its\nDefense stat. |
 | TM Drill Run | The user crashes into its target\nwhile rotating its body like a\ndrill. Critical hits land more\neasily. |
 | TM Trick | The user catches the target off\nguard and swaps its held item with\nits own. |
 | TM Tailwind | The user whips up a turbulent\nwhirlwind that ups the Speed of all\nparty Pokémon for four turns. |
 | TM Hyper Voice | The user lets loose a horribly\nechoing shout with the power to\ninflict damage. |
 | TM Heat Wave | The user attacks by exhaling hot\nbreath on the opposing team. It may\nalso leave targets with a burn. |
 | TM Earth Power | The user makes the ground under the\ntarget erupt with power. It may\nalso lower the target's Sp. Def. |
 | TM Outrage | The user rampages and attacks for\ntwo to three turns. It then becomes\nconfused, however. |
 | TM Draco Meteor | Comets are summoned down from the\nsky onto the target. The attack's\nrecoil harshly reduces the user's\nSp. Atk stat. |
 | TM Fire Punch | The target is punched with a fiery\nfist. It may also leave the target\nwith a burn. |
 | TM Ice Punch | The target is punched with an icy\nfist. It may also leave the target\nfrozen. |
 | TM ThunderPunch | The target is punched with an\nelectrified fist. It may also leave\nthe target with paralysis. |
 | TM Zen Headbutt | The user focuses its willpower to\nits head and attacks the target. It\nmay also make the target flinch. |
 | TM Helping Hand | The user assists an ally by boosting\nthe power of its attack. |
 | TM Low Kick | A powerful low kick that makes the\ntarget fall over. It inflicts\ngreater damage on heavier targets. |
 | TM Acid Spray | The user spits fluid that works to\nmelt the target. This harshly\nreduces the target's Sp. Def stat. |
 | TM Headbutt | The user sticks out its head and\nattacks by charging straight into\nthe target. It may also make the\ntarget flinch. |
 | TM Selfdestruct | The user attacks everything around\nit by causing an explosion. The\nuser faints upon using this move. |
 | TM Superpower | The user attacks the target with\ngreat power. However, it also\nlowers the user's Attack and\nDefense. |
 | TM Charge | The user charges up, doubling the\npower of the next Electric-type\nmove. It also raises the Sp. Def of\nthe user by 1 stage. |
 | TM Haze | The user creates a haze that\neliminates every stat change among\nall the Pokémon engaged in battle. |
 | TM Spite | The user unleashes its grudge on the\nmove last used by the target by\ncutting 4 PP from it. |
 | TM Gravity | Gravity is intensified for five\nturns, making moves involving\nflying unusable and negating\nLevitate. |
 | TM Knock Off | The user slaps down the target's\nheld item, preventing that item\nfrom being used in the battle. |
 | TM Bug Bite | The user bites the target. If the\ntarget is holding a Berry, the user\neats it and gains its effect. |
 | TM Super Fang | The user chomps hard on the target\nwith its sharp front fangs. It cuts\nthe target's HP to half. |
 | TM Vacuum Wave | The user whirls its fists to send a\nwave of pure vacuum at the target.\nThis move always goes first. |
 | TM Uproar | The user attacks in an uproar for\nthree turns. Over that time, no one\ncan fall asleep. |
 | TM Endeavor | An attack move that cuts down the\ntarget's HP to equal the user's\nHP. |
 | TM Pain Split | The user adds its HP to the target's\nHP, then equally shares the\ncombined HP with the target. |
 | TM FeatherDance | The user covers the target's body\nwith a mass of down that harshly\nlowers its Attack stat. |
 | TM Metal Sound | A horrible sound like scraping metal\nharshly reduces the target's Sp.\nDef stat. |
 | TM Electroweb | The user captures and attacks\nopposing Pokémon by using an\nelectric net. It reduces the\ntargets' Speed stat. |
 | Ocean Bandana | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Backwards Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bandana | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Beanie | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Beret | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Swimming Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Turtle Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Boater | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bow | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Derby | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Veil | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Chef Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Santa Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Visor Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Classic Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cowboy Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Elf Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Explorer's Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fedora | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fez | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Flat Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Reflective Goggles | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Headband | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Headphones | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fighter's Headband | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Guardian Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Black Cat Ears | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Knight Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Kyu Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Lava Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ninja Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Nurse Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pink Cat Ears | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Liberty Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pointy Yellow Ears | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pointed Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Newsboy Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | R Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Peaked Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Chunky Beret | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Stripy Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Backwards Stripy Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Teddy Ears | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Top Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Tricorne | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Viking Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Big Straw Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bunny Ears | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Two Tone Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Floppy Bunny Ears | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Get Out Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Horns | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Halo | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Candy Horns | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cap & Sunglasses | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Boater & Sunglasses | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fennec Fox Ears | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Frog Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Chestnut Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | White Cat Ears | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Motorcycle Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Green Motorcycle Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Party Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Camping Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cloud Nest Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Conical | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Watch Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Straw Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Jester Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Breeder's Bandana | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Flaming Skull Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Dragon Antlers | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Rock Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Side Tie Bandana | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sweatband | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Wyrm Worm | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bug Catcher's Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Emerald Knit Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Orange Flaming Skull Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Horse Head | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pillar Of Hats | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bobble Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Reindeer Antlers | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bird Nest Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Jack O Lantern Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Vampire Fangs | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ghost Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Holly Hairclip | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Santa's Little Helper Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Propeller Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Plumber's Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Scary Hockey Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Earmuffs | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Nutcracker Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bones Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Neo Liberty Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Electric Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Grass Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Psychic Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Water Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fire Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ground Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | League Expo Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Duck Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Lillipad Sombrero | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Mining Hard Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sailor Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Patriotic Top Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Football Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Baseball Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Kufi Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sky Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Black Reaper Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Penguin Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Snowman Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Frog Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Rudolph's Antlers | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Turkey Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Land Snake Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Samurai Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sleigh Bell Ribbons | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gingerbread Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fighting Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Flying Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Poison Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Rock Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bug Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ghost Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Steel Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ice Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Dragon Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Dark Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Panda Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bear Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bunny Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | W Cat Headphones Pink LED | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | W Cat Headphones Blue LED | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Space Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pilot Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Leprechaun Top Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Jungle Explorer's Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Android Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Dragon Head | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Dragon Body | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Dragon Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Dragon Head | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Dragon Body | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Dragon Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Lion Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Mummy Head Wrap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pharaoh Headdress | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Monkey Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bee Hairband | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pirate Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gladiator Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Beauty Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Cool Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Cute Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Smart Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Tough Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Beauty Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Cool Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Cute Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Smart Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Tough Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Beauty Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Cool Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Cute Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Smart Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Tough Tiara | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze NU Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze UU Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze OU Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver NU Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver UU Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver OU Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold NU Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold UU Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold OU Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Spring Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Spring Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Spring Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Summer Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Summer Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Summer Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Autumn Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Autumn Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Autumn Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Winter Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Winter Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Winter Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bycocket | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | White Plague Doctor Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Reaper Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Aura Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Grassquerade Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Zombie Head | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ghostly Pointed Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ecto Goggles | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Aviator Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Turkey Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Reindeer Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Detective Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Military Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Yawn Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Phoenix Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Hellcat Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Boar Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pig Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Tropical Beanie | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fire Bunny Ears | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Grass Chimp Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Water Newt Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sombrero | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cycling Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ball Hairclip | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Polygon Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Iron Hero Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fairy Fox Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Berd Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Owl Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Kitten Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Otter Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Snake Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pig Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sealion Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Squirrel Hairband | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sheep Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Flower Hairclip | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Shell Turban | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Lederhosen Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Clown Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Beaver Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Kaiju Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pumpkin Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Black Plague Doctor Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Hair Ribbons | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pumpkin Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Rat Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Helix Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Dome Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Small Purple Rat Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Small Black Rat Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Snow Mountain Beanie | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | UFO Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Default Hair | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Afro | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sideswept | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blonde Ponytail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Disco Afro | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Faux Hawk | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Reverse Scene | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cursed Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | THE ELECTRIC STORM | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Short Galaxy Wig | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Medium Galaxy Wig | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Renaissance Wig | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Idol Hairstyle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Golden Cuffed Ponytail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Glasses | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Rockstar | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sunglasses | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Swimming Goggles | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Contacts | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Amethyst Contacts | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Violet Contacts | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Flame Glasses | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Joke Glasses | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Moustache | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Eyebrows & Moustache | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Santa Beard | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Angel Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Backpack | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cape | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Devil Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fairy Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Shoulder Bag | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Scythe | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Butterfly Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ban Hammer | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fancy Butterfly Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Witch's Broomstick | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pumpkin Backpack | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Candy Cane | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pink Candy Cane | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gingerbread Man | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Scarf | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fox Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Raccoon Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | White Kitty Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Winged Heart Backpack | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Poncho | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bug Catcher's Net | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Black Kitty Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ninja Scarf | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Collared Cape | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Hex Cloak | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Double Faced Scarf | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Easter Egg Backpack | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Chipmunk Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Proto Pack | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Turkey Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pitchfork | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Katana | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Xmas Lights | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Golden Dragon Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Phoenix Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Xmas Wreath | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pig Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Hiking Backpack | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Acoustic Guitar | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Squirrel Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Xmas Stocking | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Rat Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Green Xmas Stocking | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Xmas Stocking | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Yellow Xmas Stocking | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Small Purple Rat Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Small Black Rat Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Speckled Moth Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Leaf Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Crook & Flail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Spooky Arms | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Toy Plane | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Retro Games Handheld | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Teddy Bear | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Xmas Gift Sack | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ox Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | General's War Fan | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Carnival Backpiece | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Mage's Staff | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Nutcracker Doll | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Tiger Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Team Trophy | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Team Trophy | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Team Trophy | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pointed Yellow Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Giant Turtle Shell | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Paladin's Shield | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Glistening Blue Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Glistening Purple Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Green Unity Cape | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Unity Cape | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bunny Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Cup Of The Year Trophy | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Cup Of The Year Trophy | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Cup Of The Year Trophy | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Volcano Beast Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Skeleton Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Temporal Cape | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Battle Axe | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Dragon Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Shovel | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Skull Moth Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Shadow Cape | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fire Dragon Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Charcoal Dragon Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sparkling Charcoal Dragon Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Yellow Wasp Abdomen | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Shiny Wasp Abdomen | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Snowboarder Scarf | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Star Backpiece | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Snow Leopard Tail | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Elegant Scarf | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sand Snake Scarf | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Desu's Lab Coat (Colour) | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Overcoat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sleeveless Top | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | T Shirt | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Vest | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Long Sleeve Top | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Yellow Overalls | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Tuxedo | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | R Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Zodiac Dragon Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Santa Suit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Desu's Lab Coat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Santa's Little Helper Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Lava Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Overalls | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cool Jacket | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pink Overalls | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gi | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Turtle Gi | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Crossed Jumper | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Combat Armor | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Skeleton Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Breeder's Overalls | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fishing Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Elf Tunic | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Nutcracker Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ocean Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | White Striped Top | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Maid Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Galaxy Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Flame Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bones Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Neo Liberty Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Electric Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Grass Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Psychic Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Water Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fire Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ground Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Trainer's Jacket | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ranger Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Groom Suit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Liberty Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Restaurant Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Varsity Jacket | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Lab Coat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Explorer's Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Camping Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sage's Robe | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Engineer's Overalls | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sailor Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | White R Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Hiking Clothing | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Baseball Jersey | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Football Jersey | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sky Suit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ninja Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fire Performer's Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ski Suit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gardener's Overalls | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Punk Jacket | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Soccer Jersey | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Basketball Jersey | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Business Suit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Penguin Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Psychic Tunic | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Snowman Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Chef Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Frog Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cowboy Clothing | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Clown Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Tracksuit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Police Officer Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gingerbread Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Viking Tunic | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fighting Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Flying Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Poison Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Rock Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bug Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ghost Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Steel Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ice Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Dragon Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Dark Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Samurai Armor | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bug Enthusiast Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Traditional Monk Robes | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Panda Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bear Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bunny Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Space Suit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Paramedic Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pilot Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Leprechaun Suit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Patriotic Suit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Lion Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Mummy Body Wrap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Monkey Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bee Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Wedding Dress | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Aura Jacket | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Captain's Coat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Grassquerade Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Zombie Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ghost Purging Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Turkey Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Reindeer Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Military Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Yawn Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Phoenix Robe | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ice Spirit Robe | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Hellcat Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Boar Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pig Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fantasy Princess Dress | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gladiator Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Super Hero Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pirate Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Music Idol Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Iron Hero Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Nurse Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Racing Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Lederhosen | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Worker's Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Toga | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Kaiju Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Brown School Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Tamer Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Black Pinstripe Suit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pumpkin Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Xmas Sweater | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Rat Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Small Purple Rat Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Small Black Rat Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Frosty Tree Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Werewolf Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Changshan | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Wrestling Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Rock 'n Roll Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pharaoh Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Traditional New Year Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Archer's Tunic | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Newsboy Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ice Cream Clerk Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Artist's Overalls | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Writer's Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Normal Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ox Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Apron | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cow Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Shinigami Robe | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Milk Delivery Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Carnival Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Builder Overalls | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Tiger Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fire Dragon Robes | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Summer School Uniform | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Christmas Present Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Christmas Present Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Green Christmas Present Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pink Christmas Present Costume | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Thick Winter Coat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Legendary Blue Robes | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Legendary Purple Robes | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Thunder Beast Daopao | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fairy Elfbot Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Candy Corn Sweater | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Star Bodysuit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Snow Leopard Outfit | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Wishmaker Robes | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Teal Wishmaker Robes | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Green Sky Serpent Armor | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Black Sky Serpent Armor | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cobra Hoodie | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sand Snake Coat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gloves | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Torch | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Lollipop | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Microphone | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bone Club | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Shadow Bone Club | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ghostly Lantern | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Trick Or Treat Bucket | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Halloween Treat Bucket | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Boxing Gloves | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Teal Star Rod | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Star Rod | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Boots | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Shoes | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Candy Corn Shoes | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pants | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Shorts | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Skirt | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Grass Skirt | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Candy Corn Pants | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fishing Rod | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Watering Can | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Doubles Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Doubles Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Doubles Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Werewolf Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Turban | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Flower Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Forest Mushroom Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Polar Bear Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Jellyfish Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Oni Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Hard Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Hiking Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Coconut Tree Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Eagle Headdress | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Burger Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Eyeball Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Green Eyeball Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Futou | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Baby Bonnet & Pacifier | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Winged Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ice Cream Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Easter Basket Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Normal Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Snow Globe Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ox Horns | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Golden Dragon Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Nian Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Sou'wester Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Acorn Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cow Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Clam Shell Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Drinking Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Apple Pie Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bronze Randoms Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Randoms Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gold Randoms Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Grey Werewolf Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Brown Werewolf Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Mage's Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Starlight Bobble Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Tiger Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Golden Tiger Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Shiny Nian Hood | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Mandarin Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Koban | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | PokeMMO Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Poisonous Flower Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Psychic Training Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fishing Cap | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Crab Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Jousting Knight's Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bone Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cult Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Green Cthulhu Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Purple Cthulhu Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Skull Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Shadow Skull Helmet | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Christmas Present Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Christmas Present Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Green Christmas Present Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pink Christmas Present Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Psychic Bird Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Golden Rabbit Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Green Harvest Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Harvest Crown | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | White Rabbit Plush | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Spring Flower Hairpin | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Gloria | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Cavalier Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Scary Clown Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Explosive Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Aurora Beast Mane | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Kitsune Mask | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Bat Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Trick Kitty | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pumpcat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Mini Halloween Top Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Fairy Elfbot Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Flaming Demon Skull | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Flaming Demon Skull | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Ghostly Candle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Spooky Beanie | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Star Cone Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Snow Leopard Ears | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Wish Tag Earrings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Teal Wish Tag Earrings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Tiny White Wings | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Elegant Antennae | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Coiled Snake Hat | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Bicycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Black Bicycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Motorcycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Bicycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Brown Bicycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Green Bicycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Orange Bicycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Pink Bicycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Purple Bicycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Silver Bicycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | White Bicycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Yellow Bicycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Red Christmas Sleigh | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Flaming Motorcycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Lucky Red Dragon | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Lucky Gold Dragon | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Blue Flaming Motorcycle | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Purple Christmas Sleigh | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | Xuanwu | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | | A cosmetic item which can be used to modify your appearance. |
 | None | ??? |
 | Master Ball | The best Ball with the ultimate level of\nperformance. It will catch any wild\nPokémon without fail. |
 | Ultra Ball | An ultra-performance Ball that\nprovides a higher Pokémon catch rate\nthan a Great Ball. |
 | Great Ball | A good, high-performance Ball that\nprovides a higher Pokémon catch rate\nthan a standard Poké Ball. |
 | Poké Ball | A device for catching wild Pokémon.\nIt is thrown like a ball at the target.\nIt is designed as a capsule system. |
 | Safari Ball | A special Poké Ball that is used only in\nthe Great Marsh. It is decorated in a\ncamouflage pattern. |
 | Net Ball | A somewhat different Poké Ball which works especially well on Water and Bug-type Pokémon. It's not affected by moves which change a Pokémon's typing. |
 | Dive Ball | A somewhat different {STRING_240004} which works especially well on {STRING_0} that are encountered in water. |
 | Nest Ball | A somewhat different Poké Ball that\nworks especially well on weaker\nPokémon in the wild. |
 | Repeat Ball | A {STRING_245004} which grows in strength every consecutive capture of a species of {STRING_0}. It powers up even when using a different type of {STRING_245004}. Its power is reset to 1.0x if you capture something else, or if you don't capture anything for a few days. |
 | Timer Ball | A somewhat different Ball that\nbecomes progressively better the\nmore turns there are in a battle. |
 | Luxury Ball | A luxurious {STRING_245004} which helps grow your friendship with a {STRING_0} quickly. It works well on {STRING_0} which evolve due to happiness. |
 | Premier Ball | A somewhat rare Poké Ball that has\nbeen specially made to commemorate\nan event of some sort. |
 | Dusk Ball | A somewhat different Poké Ball that\nmakes it easier to catch wild Pokémon\nat night or in dark places like caves. |
 | Heal Ball | A Poké Ball which restores a Pokémon's HP and eliminates any status ailment. |
 | Quick Ball | A somewhat different Poké Ball that\nprovides a better catch rate if it is\nused at the start of a wild encounter. |
 | Cherish Ball | A quite rare Poké Ball that has been\nspecially crafted to commemorate\nan occasion of some sort. |
 | Potion | A spray-type medicine for wounds.\nIt restores the HP of one Pokémon by\njust 20 points. |
 | Antidote | A spray-type medicine.\nIt lifts the effect of poison from one\nPokémon. |
 | Burn Heal | A spray-type medicine.\nIt heals a single Pokémon that is\nsuffering from a burn. |
 | Ice Heal | A spray-type medicine.\nIt defrosts a Pokémon that has been\nfrozen solid. |
 | Awakening | A spray-type medicine.\nIt awakens a Pokémon from the\nclutches of sleep. |
 | Parlyz Heal | A spray-type medicine.\nIt eliminates paralysis from a single\nPokémon. |
 | Full Restore | A medicine that fully restores the HP\nand heals any status problems of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Max Potion | A spray-type medicine for wounds.\nIt completely restores the HP of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Hyper Potion | A spray-type medicine for wounds.\nIt restores the HP of one Pokémon by\n120 points. |
 | Super Potion | A spray-type medicine for wounds.\nIt restores the HP of one Pokémon by\n60 points. |
 | Full Heal | A spray-type medicine.\nIt heals all the status problems of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Revive | A medicine that revives a fainted\nPokémon. It restores half the\nPokémon's maximum HP. |
 | Max Revive | A medicine that revives a fainted\nPokémon. It fully restores the\nPokémon's HP. |
 | Fresh Water | Water with a high mineral content.\nIt restores the HP of one Pokémon by\n30 points. |
 | Soda Pop | A fizzy soda drink.\nIt restores the HP of one Pokémon by\n50 points. |
 | Lemonade | A very sweet drink.\nIt restores the HP of one Pokémon by\n70 points. |
 | Moomoo Milk | Milk with a very high nutrition content.\nIt restores the HP of one Pokémon by\n100 points. |
 | EnergyPowder | A very bitter medicine powder.\nIt restores the HP of one Pokémon by\n50 points. |
 | Energy Root | A very bitter root.\nIt restores the HP of one Pokémon by\n200 points. |
 | Heal Powder | A very bitter medicine powder.\nIt heals all the status problems of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Revival Herb | A very bitter herb.\n\nIt revives a {STRING_0} to half its max HP\nif they were fainted. |
 | Ether | It restores the PP of a Pokémon's\nselected move by a maximum of\n15 points. |
 | Max Ether | It fully restores the PP of a single\nselected move that has been learned\nby the target Pokémon. |
 | Elixir | It restores the PP of all the\nmoves learned by the targeted Pokémon\nby 10 points each. |
 | Max Elixir | It fully restores the PP of all the\nmoves learned by the targeted\nPokémon. |
 | Lava Cookie | Lavaridge Town's local specialty.\nIt heals all the status problems of\none Pokémon. |
 | Berry Juice | A 20% pure juice made of Berries.\nIt restores the HP of one Pokémon by\njust 20 points. |
 | Sacred Ash | A bag of sparkling ash gathered after defeating Radiant {STRING_150250}. When used, it revives any fainted {STRING_0} and restores all {STRING_0} in your party to full HP.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. If used during a battle in which you white out, it will reappear after. |
 | HP Up | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base HP of a single\nPokémon. |
 | Protein | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Attack stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Iron | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Defense stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Carbos | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Speed stat of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Calcium | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Sp. Atk (Special\nAttack) stat of a single Pokémon. |
 | PP Up | It slightly raises the maximum PP of\na selected move that has been learned\nby the target Pokémon. |
 | Zinc | A nutritious drink for Pokémon.\nIt raises the base Sp. Def (Special\nDefense) stat of a single Pokémon. |
 | PP Max | It maximally raises the top PP of a\nselected move that has been learned\nby the target Pokémon. |
 | Old Gateau | Old Chateau's hidden specialty.\nIt heals all the status problems of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Guard Spec. | An item that prevents stat reduction\namong the Trainer's party Pokémon\nfor five turns after use. |
 | Dire Hit | It raises the critical-hit ratio greatly.\nIt can be used only once and wears off\nif the Pokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Attack | An item which raises the Attack of a {STRING_0} in battle by 2 stages. It wears off if they're withdrawn.\n\nOnly 2 can be used at a time.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | X Defend | An item which raises the Defense of a {STRING_0} in battle by 2 stages. It wears off if they're withdrawn.\n\nOnly 2 can be used at a time.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | X Speed | An item which raises the Speed of a {STRING_0} in battle by 2 stages. It wears off if they're withdrawn.\n\nOnly 2 can be used at a time.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | X Accuracy | An item which raises the Accuracy of a {STRING_0} in battle by 2 stages. It wears off if they're withdrawn.\n\nOnly 2 can be used at a time.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | X Special | An item which raises the Sp. Attack of a {STRING_0} in battle by 2 stages. It wears off if they're withdrawn.\n\nOnly 2 can be used at a time.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | X Sp. Def | An item which raises the Sp. Defense of a {STRING_0} in battle by 2 stages. It wears off if they're withdrawn.\n\nOnly 2 can be used at a time.\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Poké Doll | A doll that attracts Pokémon.\nUse it to flee from any battle with a\nwild Pokémon. |
 | Fluffy Tail | An item that attracts Pokémon.\nUse it to flee from any battle with a\nwild Pokémon. |
 | Blue Flute | A toy flute made from blue glass.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Yellow Flute | A toy flute made from yellow glass.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Red Flute | A toy flute made from red glass.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Black Flute | A toy flute made from black glass.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | White Flute | A toy flute made from white glass.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Shoal Salt | Pure salt that can be discovered deep\ninside the Shoal Cave.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Shoal Shell | A pretty seashell that can be found \ndeep inside the Shoal Cave.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Red Shard | A small red shard.\nIt appears to be from some sort of\nimplement made long ago. |
 | Blue Shard | A small blue shard.\nIt appears to be from some sort of\nimplement made long ago. |
 | Yellow Shard | A small yellow shard.\nIt appears to be from some sort of\nimplement made long ago. |
 | Green Shard | A small green shard.\nIt appears to be from some sort of\nimplement made long ago. |
 | Super Repel | An item that prevents weak wild\nPokémon from appearing for 200 steps\nafter its use. |
 | Max Repel | An item that prevents weak wild\nPokémon from appearing for 250 steps\nafter its use. |
 | Escape Rope | A long, durable rope.\nUse it to escape instantly from a cave\nor a dungeon. |
 | Repel | An item that prevents weak wild\nPokémon from appearing for 100 steps\nafter its use. |
 | Sun Stone | A peculiar stone that makes certain\nspecies of Pokémon evolve.\nIt is as red as the sun. |
 | Moon Stone | A peculiar stone that makes certain\nspecies of Pokémon evolve.\nIt is as black as the night sky. |
 | Fire Stone | A peculiar stone that makes certain\nspecies of Pokémon evolve.\nIt is colored orange. |
 | Thunderstone | A peculiar stone that makes certain\nspecies of Pokémon evolve.\nIt has a thunderbolt pattern. |
 | Water Stone | A peculiar stone that makes certain\nspecies of Pokémon evolve.\nIt is a clear, light blue. |
 | Leaf Stone | A peculiar stone that makes certain\nspecies of Pokémon evolve.\nIt has a leaf pattern. |
 | TinyMushroom | A small and rare mushroom.\nIt is sought after by collectors. |
 | Big Mushroom | A large and rare mushroom.\nIt is sought after by collectors. |
 | Pearl | A somewhat-small pearl that sparkles\nin a pretty silver color.\nIt can be sold cheaply to shops. |
 | Big Pearl | A quite-large pearl that sparkles in a\npretty silver color. It can be sold at\na high price to shops. |
 | Stardust | Lovely, red-colored sand with a loose,\nsilky feel. It can be sold at a high\nprice to shops. |
 | Star Piece | A shard of a pretty gem that sparkles\nin a red color. It can be sold at a\nhigh price to shops. |
 | Nugget | A nugget of pure gold that gives off a\nlustrous gleam. It can be sold at a\nhigh price to shops. |
 | Heart Scale | A pretty, heart-shaped scale that is\nextremely rare. It glows faintly in the\ncolors of the rainbow. |
 | Honey | A sweet honey with a lush aroma that\nattracts wild Pokémon when it is used\nin grass, caves, or on special trees. |
 | Growth Mulch | A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil\nin regions where Berries are grown.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Damp Mulch | A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil\nin regions where Berries are grown.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Stable Mulch | A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil\nin regions where Berries are grown.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Gooey Mulch | A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil\nin regions where Berries are grown.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Rare Bone | A bone that is extremely valuable for\nPokémon archeology. It can be sold\nfor a high price to shops. |
 | Shiny Stone | A peculiar stone that makes certain\nspecies of Pokémon evolve.\nIt shines with a dazzling light. |
 | Dusk Stone | A peculiar stone that makes certain\nspecies of Pokémon evolve.\nIt is as dark as dark can be. |
 | Dawn Stone | A peculiar stone that makes certain\nspecies of Pokémon evolve.\nIt sparkles like eyes. |
 | Oval Stone | A peculiar stone that makes certain\nspecies of Pokémon evolve.\nIt is shaped like an egg. |
 | Odd Keystone | A vital item that is needed to keep a\nstone tower from collapsing. Voices\ncan be heard from it occasionally. |
 | Griseous Orb | A glowing orb to be held by Giratina.\nIt boosts the power of Dragon- and\nGhost-type moves. |
 | ??? | A rare stone. |
 | Douse Drive | A cassette to be held by Genesect.\nIt changes Techno Blast to a\nWater-type move. |
 | Shock Drive | A cassette to be held by Genesect.\nIt changes Techno Blast to an\nElectric-type move. |
 | Burn Drive | A cassette to be held by Genesect.\nIt changes Techno Blast to a\nFire-type move. |
 | Chill Drive | A cassette to be held by Genesect.\nIt changes Techno Blast to an\nIce-type move. |
 | Sweet Heart | Very sweet chocolate. \nIt restores the HP of one Pokémon\nby only 20 points. |
 | Adamant Orb | A brightly gleaming orb to be held by\nDialga. It boosts the power of Dragon-\nand Steel-type moves. |
 | Lustrous Orb | A beautifully glowing orb to be held by\nPalkia. It boosts the power of Dragon-\nand Water-type moves. |
 | Greet Mail | Stationery designed for\nintroductory greetings.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Favored Mail | Stationery designed for\nwriting about your favorite things.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | RSVP Mail | Stationery designed for\ninvitations.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Thanks Mail | Stationery designed for\na thank-you note.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Inquiry Mail | Stationery designed for\nwriting questions. \nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Like Mail | Stationery designed for\nwriting recommendations.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Reply Mail | Stationery designed for\nwriting a reply. \nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | BridgeMail S | Stationery featuring a print of \na sky-piercing bridge. \nLet a Pokémon hold it for use. |
 | BridgeMail D | Stationery featuring a print of\na red drawbridge. \nLet a Pokémon hold it for use. |
 | BridgeMail T | Stationery featuring a print of\na steel suspension bridge. \nLet a Pokémon hold it for use. |
 | BridgeMail V | Stationery featuring a print of\na brick bridge.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for use. |
 | BridgeMail M | Stationery featuring a print of\nan arched bridge.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for use. |
 | BrightPowder | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt casts a tricky glare that lowers\nthe opponent's accuracy. |
 | White Herb | A held item which restores any negative stat stage in battle.\n\nConsumed on use. |
 | Macho Brace | An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is\na stiff and heavy brace that promotes\nstrong growth but lowers Speed. |
 | Exp. Share | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nThe holder gets a share of a battle's\nExp. Points without battling. |
 | Quick Claw | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nA light, sharp claw that lets the\nbearer move first occasionally. |
 | Soothe Bell | An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is\na bell with a comforting chime that\ncalms the holder and makes it friendly. |
 | Mental Herb | It snaps the holder out of move-binding effects and infatuation, when they are applied.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Choice Band | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nHolding this item will increase\nAttack by 50% when in battle,\nbut only allows the use of\nthe first move selected. |
 | King's Rock | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nWhen the holder inflicts damage,\nthe target may flinch. |
 | SilverPowder | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nBug-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Amulet Coin | An item which increases the amount of Money gained from trainer battles for a short period of time.\n\n1.50x Money gain.\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour. |
 | Cleanse Tag | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt helps keep wild Pokémon away if the\nholder is the first one in the party. |
 | Soul Dew | A special item to be held by a\n{STRING_150380} or {STRING_150381}.\n\nIt increases the power of their\nPsychic-type and Dragon-type moves by 20%. |
 | DeepSeaTooth | An item to be held by Clamperl.\nA fang that gleams a sharp silver, it\nraises the Sp. Atk stat. |
 | DeepSeaScale | An item to be held by Clamperl.\nA scale that shines a faint pink, it\nraises the Sp. Def stat. |
 | Smoke Ball | When held by a {STRING_0},\nit increases the chance to escape from\na wild {STRING_0}. |
 | Everstone | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nThe holding {STRING_0} is prevented\nfrom evolving.\n\nIf held by a {STRING_0} while breeding,\nthe child will always have the holder's Nature. |
 | Focus Band | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nThe holder may endure a potential KO\nattack, leaving it with just 1 HP. |
 | Lucky Egg | An item which increases the amount of EXP gained for a short period of time.\n\n2.0x EXP gain.\nStacks with other bonuses.\nConsumed upon use.\nEffects last 1 hour. |
 | Scope Lens | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a lens that boosts the holder's\ncritical-hit ratio. |
 | Metal Coat | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nSteel-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Leftovers | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nWhen in battle, 6.25% of the holder's HP\nis restored at the end of each turn. |
 | Dragon Scale | A thick and tough scale.\nDragon-type Pokémon may be holding\nthis item when caught. |
 | Light Ball | An item to be held by {STRING_150025}\nwhich doubles its Attack and Sp.Attack\nwhen in battle.\n\nIf held by a {STRING_150025} while breeding a\n{STRING_150172},\nit will learn {STRING_110344}. |
 | Soft Sand | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nGround-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Hard Stone | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nRock-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Miracle Seed | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nGrass-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | BlackGlasses | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nDark-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Black Belt | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nFighting-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Magnet | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nElectric-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Mystic Water | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nWater-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Sharp Beak | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nFlying-type moves by 20%..\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Poison Barb | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nPoison-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | NeverMeltIce | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nIce-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Spell Tag | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nGhost-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | TwistedSpoon | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nPsychic-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Charcoal | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nFire-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Dragon Fang | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nDragon-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Silk Scarf | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nNormal-type moves by 20%.\n\nIt is popular among certain Move Tutors. |
 | Up Grade | A transparent device filled with all\nsorts of data.\nIt was produced by Silph Co. |
 | Shell Bell | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt restores HP to the holder equal to\n12.5% of damage inflicted by a move.\nThe effects of this item can be\nnullified by the ability {STRING_110377}. |
 | Sea Incense | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt increases the power of\nWater-type moves by 20%.\n\nIf held by a {STRING_150183} or\n{STRING_150184} while breeding,\nit may help them produce a {STRING_150298} egg. |
 | Lax Incense | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt slightly reduces\nthe foe's Accuracy.\n\nIf held by a {STRING_150202} while breeding,\nit may help them produce a {STRING_150360} egg. |
 | Lucky Punch | An item to be held by Chansey. It is a\npair of gloves that boosts Chansey's\ncritical-hit ratio. |
 | Metal Powder | An item to be held by Ditto.\nExtremely fine yet hard, this odd\npowder boosts the Defense stat. |
 | Thick Club | An item to be held by Cubone or\nMarowak. It is a hard bone of some\nsort that boosts the Attack stat. |
 | Stick | An item to be held by Farfetch'd. It is\na very long and stiff stalk of leek\nthat boosts the critical-hit ratio. |
 | Red Scarf | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt boosts the Cool aspect of the\nholder in a Contest. |
 | Blue Scarf | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt boosts the Beauty aspect of the\nholder in a Contest. |
 | Pink Scarf | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt boosts the Cute aspect of the\nholder in a Contest. |
 | Green Scarf | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt boosts the Smart aspect of the\nholder in a Contest. |
 | Yellow Scarf | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt boosts the Tough aspect of the\nholder in a Contest. |
 | Wide Lens | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a magnifying lens that slightly\nboosts the accuracy of moves. |
 | Muscle Band | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt boosts the power of Physical moves by 10%. |
 | Wise Glasses | An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is\na thick pair of glasses that slightly\nboosts the power of special moves. |
 | Expert Belt | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt boosts the power of Super Effective moves by 20%. |
 | Light Clay | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIf the holder uses the moves\n{STRING_110113} or {STRING_110115}, their effects\nwill be increased from 5 to 8 turns. |
 | Life Orb | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nHolding this item will increase\nthe power of moves by 30% when in battle,\nbut at the cost of 10% of user's Maximum HP per-turn. |
 | Power Herb | A single-use item to be held by a\nPokémon. It allows the immediate use of\na move that charges on the first turn. |
 | Toxic Orb | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a bizarre orb that badly poisons\nthe holder in battle. |
 | Flame Orb | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a bizarre orb that inflicts a\nburn on the holder in battle. |
 | Quick Powder | An item to be held by Ditto.\nExtremely fine yet hard, this odd\npowder boosts the Speed stat. |
 | Focus Sash | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIf it has full HP,\nThe holder will endure a potential KO attack\nwith 1HP.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Zoom Lens | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIf the holder moves after its\ntarget, its accuracy will be boosted. |
 | Metronome | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt boosts the power of a move by 20%\nfor each consecutive use,\nup to a maximum increase of 100%. |
 | Iron Ball | A Pokémon held item that cuts Speed.\nIt makes Flying-type and levitating\nholders susceptible to Ground moves. |
 | Lagging Tail | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is tremendously heavy and makes\nthe holder move slower than usual. |
 | Destiny Knot | A long, thin, bright-red string to\nbe held by a Pokémon. If the holder\nbecomes infatuated, the foe does too. |
 | Black Sludge | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nWhen held by a {STRING_230003}-type {STRING_0} in battle,\n6.25% of the holder's HP\nis restored at the end of each turn.\n\nWhen held by a Non-{STRING_230003}-type {STRING_0},\nit inflicts 12.5% of damage\n at the end of each turn.\n{STRING_0} with the ability {STRING_210098} are immune to this effect. |
 | Icy Rock | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt extends the duration of Snowy weather to 8 turns, when created by the item holder. |
 | Smooth Rock | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt extends the duration of Sandstorm weather to 8 turns, when created by the item holder. |
 | Heat Rock | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt extends the duration of Harsh Sunlight weather to 8 turns, when created by the item holder. |
 | Damp Rock | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt extends the duration of Rain weather to 8 turns, when created by the item holder. |
 | Grip Claw | When held by a {STRING_0},\nit causes binding moves used by\nthe holder to always continue for 7 turns. |
 | Choice Scarf | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nHolding this item will increase\nSpeed by 50% when in battle,\nbut only allows the use\nof the first move selected. |
 | Sticky Barb | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt inflicts the holder with 12.5% of\nits maximum HP each turn.\n\nIf the holder is hit with a move that makes contact\nthe {STRING_245288} will latch onto the opponent.\n\n{STRING_0} with the ability{STRING_210098}\ndo not take damage from this item. |
 | Power Bracer | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}\nwhen breeding.\n\nHolding this item will guarantee the\nchild inherits this {STRING_0}'s Attack IV.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Power Belt | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}\nwhen breeding.\n\nHolding this item will guarantee the\nchild inherits this {STRING_0}'s Defense IV.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Power Lens | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}\nwhen breeding.\n\nHolding this item will guarantee the\nchild inherits this {STRING_0}'s Sp.Atk IV.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Power Band | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}\nwhen breeding.\n\nHolding this item will guarantee the\nchild inherits this {STRING_0}'s Sp.Def IV.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Power Anklet | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}\nwhen breeding.\n\nHolding this item will guarantee the\nchild inherits this {STRING_0}'s Speed IV.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Power Weight | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}\nwhen breeding.\n\nHolding this item will guarantee the\nchild inherits this {STRING_0}'s HP IV.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Shed Shell | A tough, discarded carapace to be held\nby a Pokémon. It enables the holder to\nswitch with a waiting Pokémon in battle. |
 | Big Root | A Pokémon held item that boosts the\npower of HP-stealing moves to let the\nholder recover more HP. |
 | Choice Specs | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nHolding this item will increase\nSp.Atk by 50% when in battle,\nbut only allows the use of\nthe first move selected. |
 | Flame Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Fire-type moves. |
 | Splash Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Water-type moves. |
 | Zap Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Electric-type moves. |
 | Meadow Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Grass-type moves. |
 | Icicle Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Ice-type moves. |
 | Fist Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Fighting-type moves. |
 | Toxic Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Poison-type moves. |
 | Earth Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Ground-type moves. |
 | Sky Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Flying-type moves. |
 | Mind Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Psychic-type moves. |
 | Insect Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Bug-type moves. |
 | Stone Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Rock-type moves. |
 | Spooky Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Ghost-type moves. |
 | Draco Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Dragon-type moves. |
 | Dread Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Dark-type moves. |
 | Iron Plate | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a stone tablet that boosts the\npower of Steel-type moves. |
 | Odd Incense | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt increases the power of\nPsychic-type moves by 20%.\n\nIf held by a {STRING_150122} while breeding,\nit may help them produce a {STRING_150439} egg. |
 | Rock Incense | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt increases the power of\nRock-type moves by 20%.\n\nIf held by a {STRING_150185} while breeding,\nit may help them produce a {STRING_150438} egg. |
 | Full Incense | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nit causes the {STRING_0} to move last \nwhen using a move of the same\npriority as the opponent.\n\nIf held by a {STRING_150143} while breeding,\nit may help them produce a {STRING_150446} egg. |
 | Wave Incense | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt increases the power of\nWater-type moves by 20%.\n\nIf held by a {STRING_150226} while breeding,\nit may help them produce a {STRING_150458} egg. |
 | Rose Incense | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\nIt increases the power of\nGrass-type moves by 20%.\n\nIf held by a {STRING_150315} or\n{STRING_150407} while breeding,\nit may help them produce a {STRING_150406} egg. |
 | Luck Incense | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIf held by a {STRING_150113} while breeding,\nit may help them produce a {STRING_150440} egg. |
 | Pure Incense | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt slightly reduces\nthe chance of encountering wild {STRING_0}.\n\nIf held by a {STRING_150358} while breeding,\nit may help them produce a {STRING_150433} egg. |
 | Protector | A protective item of some sort.\nIt is extremely stiff and heavy.\nIt is loved by a certain Pokémon. |
 | Electirizer | A box packed with a tremendous\namount of electric energy.\nIt is loved by a certain Pokémon. |
 | Magmarizer | A box packed with a tremendous\namount of magma energy.\nIt is loved by a certain Pokémon. |
 | Dubious Disc | A transparent device overflowing with\ndubious data.\nIts producer is unknown. |
 | Reaper Cloth | A cloth imbued with horrifyingly strong\nspiritual energy.\nIt is loved by a certain Pokémon. |
 | Razor Claw | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt is a sharply hooked claw that ups\nthe holder's critical-hit ratio. |
 | Razor Fang | An item to be held by a Pokémon.\nIt may make foes and allies flinch\nwhen the holder inflicts damage. |
 | TM Hone Claws | The user sharpens its claws to boost\nits Attack stat and accuracy. |
 | TM Dragon Claw | The user slashes the target with\nhuge, sharp claws. |
 | TM Psyshock | The user materializes an odd psychic\nwave to attack the target. This\nattack does physical damage. |
 | TM Calm Mind | The user quietly focuses its mind\nand calms its spirit to raise its\nSp. Atk and Sp. Def stats. |
 | TM Roar | The target is scared off and\nreplaced by another Pokémon in its\nparty. In the wild, the battle\nends. |
 | TM Toxic | A move that leaves the target badly\npoisoned. Its poison damage worsens\nevery turn. |
 | TM Snowscape | A snowstorm forms on the field for 5\nturns. Snow boosts the Defense stat\nof Ice-types by 50%. |
 | TM Bulk Up | The user tenses its muscles to bulk\nup its body, boosting both its\nAttack and Defense stats. |
 | TM Venoshock | The user drenches the target in a\nspecial poisonous liquid. Its power\nis doubled if the target is\npoisoned. |
 | TM Hidden Power | An attack which varies in type\ndepending on its user. Its type may\nbe changed with 40 Gems. |
 | TM Sunny Day | The user intensifies the sun for\nfive turns, powering up Fire-type\nmoves. |
 | TM Taunt | The target is taunted into a rage\nthat allows it to use only attack\nmoves for three turns. |
 | TM Ice Beam | The target is struck with an\nicy-cold beam of energy. It may\nalso freeze the target solid. |
 | TM Blizzard | A howling blizzard is summoned to\nstrike the opposing team. It may\nalso freeze them solid. |
 | TM Hyper Beam | The target is attacked with a\npowerful beam. The user must rest\non the next turn to regain its\nenergy. |
 | TM Light Screen | A wondrous wall of light is put up\nto suppress damage from special\nattacks for five turns. |
 | TM Protect | It enables the user to evade all\nattacks. Its chance of failing\nrises if it is used in succession. |
 | TM Rain Dance | The user summons a heavy rain that\nfalls for five turns, powering up\nWater-type moves. |
 | TM Telekinesis | The user makes the target float with\nits psychic power. The target is\neasier to hit for three turns. |
 | TM Safeguard | The user creates a protective field\nthat prevents status problems for\nfive turns. |
 | TM Frustration | A full-power attack that grows more\npowerful the less the user likes\nits Trainer. |
 | TM SolarBeam | A two-turn attack. The user gathers\nlight, then blasts a bundled beam\non the second turn. |
 | TM Smack Down | The user throws a stone or\nprojectile to attack an opponent. A\nflying Pokémon will fall to the\nground when hit. |
 | TM Thunderbolt | A strong electric blast is loosed at\nthe target. It may also leave the\ntarget with paralysis. |
 | TM Thunder | A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on\nthe target to inflict damage. It\nmay also leave the target with\nparalysis. |
 | TM Earthquake | The user sets off an earthquake that\nstrikes those around it. |
 | TM Return | A full-power attack that grows more\npowerful the more the user likes\nits Trainer. |
 | TM Dig | The user burrows, then attacks on\nthe second turn. It can also be\nused to exit dungeons. |
 | TM Psychic | The target is hit by a strong\ntelekinetic force. It may also\nreduce the target's Sp. Def stat. |
 | TM Shadow Ball | The user hurls a shadowy blob at the\ntarget. It may also lower the\ntarget's Sp. Def stat. |
 | TM Brick Break | The user attacks with a swift chop.\nIt can also break any barrier such\nas Light Screen and Reflect. |
 | TM Double Team | By moving rapidly, the user makes\nillusory copies of itself to raise\nits evasiveness. |
 | TM Reflect | A wondrous wall of light is put up\nto suppress damage from physical\nattacks for five turns. |
 | TM Sludge Wave | It swamps the area around the user\nwith a giant sludge wave. It may\nalso poison those hit. |
 | TM Flamethrower | The target is scorched with an\nintense blast of fire. It may also\nleave the target with a burn. |
 | TM Sludge Bomb | Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the\ntarget. It may also poison the\ntarget. |
 | TM Sandstorm | A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to\nhurt all combatants except the\nRock, Ground, and Steel types. |
 | TM Fire Blast | The target is attacked with an\nintense blast of all-consuming\nfire. It may also leave the target\nwith a burn. |
 | TM Rock Tomb | Boulders are hurled at the target.\nIt also lowers the target's Speed\nby preventing its movement. |
 | TM Aerial Ace | The user confounds the target with\nspeed, then slashes. The attack\nlands without fail. |
 | TM Torment | The user torments and enrages the\ntarget, making it incapable of\nusing the same move twice in a\nrow. |
 | TM Facade | An attack move that doubles its\npower if the user is poisoned,\nburned, or has paralysis. |
 | TM Flame Charge | The user cloaks itself with flame\nand attacks. Building up more\npower, it raises the user's Speed\nstat. |
 | TM Rest | The user goes to sleep for two\nturns. It fully restores the user's\nHP and heals any status problem. |
 | TM Attract | If it is the opposite gender of the\nuser, the target becomes infatuated\nand less likely to attack. |
 | TM Thief | An attack which steals the foe's\nheld item if the user isn't already\nholding one. Its effects are\ntemporary when stealing from\nTrainers. |
 | TM Low Sweep | The user attacks the target's legs\nswiftly, reducing the target's\nSpeed stat. |
 | TM Round | The user attacks the target with a\nsong. Others can join in the Round\nand make the attack do greater\ndamage. |
 | TM Echoed Voice | The user attacks the target with an\nechoing voice. If this move is used\nevery turn, it does greater\ndamage. |
 | TM Overheat | The user attacks the target at full\npower. The attack's recoil harshly\nreduces the user's Sp. Atk stat. |
 | TM Ally Switch | The user teleports, switching places\nwith its adjacent ally. It may fail\nif used consecutively. |
 | TM Focus Blast | The user heightens its mental focus\nand unleashes its power. It may\nalso lower the target's Sp. Def. |
 | TM Energy Ball | The user draws power from nature and\nfires it at the target. It may also\nlower the target's Sp. Def. |
 | TM False Swipe | A restrained attack that prevents\nthe target from fainting. The\ntarget is left with at least 1 HP. |
 | TM Scald | The user shoots boiling hot water at\nits target. It may also leave the\ntarget with a burn. |
 | TM Fling | The user flings its item at the foe,\ndestroying it. In PvP, only\nconsumable items are destroyed\npermanently. The move's power and\neffects vary depending on what item\nis thrown. |
 | TM Charge Beam | The user attacks with an electric\ncharge. The user may use any\nremaining electricity to raise its\nSp. Atk stat. |
 | TM Sky Drop | The user takes the target into the\nsky, then drops it during the next\nturn. The target cannot attack\nwhile in the sky. |
 | TM Incinerate | The user attacks the target with\nfire. If the target is holding a\nBerry, the Berry becomes burnt up\nand unusable. |
 | TM Quash | The user suppresses the target and\nmakes its move go last. |
 | TM Will O Wisp | The user shoots a sinister,\nbluish-white flame at the target to\ninflict a burn. |
 | TM Acrobatics | The user nimbly strikes the target.\nIf the user is not holding an item,\nthis attack inflicts massive\ndamage. |
 | TM Embargo | It prevents the target from using\nits held item. Its Trainer is also\nprevented from using items on it. |
 | TM Explosion | The user explodes to inflict damage\non those around it. The user faints\nupon using this move. |
 | TM Shadow Claw | The user slashes with a sharp claw\nmade from shadows. Critical hits\nland more easily. |
 | TM Payback | If the user moves after the target,\nthis attack's power will be\ndoubled. |
 | TM Retaliate | The user gets revenge for a fainted\nally. If an ally fainted in the\nprevious turn, this attack's damage\nincreases. |
 | TM Giga Impact | The user charges at the target using\nevery bit of its power. The user\nmust rest on the next turn. |
 | TM Rock Polish | The user polishes its body to reduce\ndrag. It can sharply raise the\nSpeed stat. |
 | TM Flash | The user flashes a bright light that\ncuts the target's accuracy. It can\nalso be used to illuminate caves. |
 | TM Stone Edge | The user stabs the foe with\nsharpened stones from below. It has\na high critical-hit ratio. |
 | TM Volt Switch | After making its attack, the user\nrushes back to switch places with a\nparty Pokémon in waiting. |
 | TM Thunder Wave | A weak electric charge is launched\nat the target. It causes paralysis\nif it hits. |
 | TM Gyro Ball | The user tackles the target with a\nhigh-speed spin. The slower the\nuser, the greater the damage. |
 | TM Swords Dance | A frenetic dance to uplift the\nfighting spirit. It sharply raises\nthe user's Attack stat. |
 | TM Struggle Bug | While resisting, the user attacks\nthe opposing Pokémon. The targets'\nSp. Atk stat is reduced. |
 | TM Psych Up | The user hypnotizes itself into\ncopying any stat change made by the\ntarget. |
 | TM Bulldoze | The user stomps down on the ground\nand attacks everything in the area.\nHit Pokémon's Speed stat is\nreduced. |
 | TM Frost Breath | The user blows a cold breath on the\ntarget. This attack always results\nin a critical hit. |
 | TM Rock Slide | Large boulders are hurled at the\nopposing team to inflict damage. It\nmay also make the targets flinch. |
 | TM X Scissor | The user slashes at the target by\ncrossing its scythes or claws as if\nthey were a pair of scissors. |
 | TM Dragon Tail | The user knocks away the target and\ndrags out another Pokémon in its\nparty. In the wild, the battle\nends. |
 | TM Work Up | The user is roused, and its Attack\nand Sp. Atk stats increase. |
 | TM Poison Jab | The target is stabbed with a\ntentacle or arm steeped in poison.\nIt may also poison the target. |
 | TM Dream Eater | The user eats the dreams of a\nsleeping target. It absorbs half\nthe damage caused to heal the\nuser's HP. |
 | TM Grass Knot | The user snares the target with\ngrass and trips it. The heavier the\ntarget, the greater the damage. |
 | TM Swagger | The user enrages and confuses the\ntarget. However, it also sharply\nraises the target's Attack stat. |
 | TM Pluck | The user pecks the target. If the\ntarget is holding a Berry, the user\neats it and gains its effect. |
 | TM U Turn | After making its attack, the user\nrushes back to switch places with a\nparty Pokémon in waiting. |
 | TM Substitute | The user makes a copy of itself\nusing some of its HP. The copy\nserves as the user's decoy. |
 | TM Flash Cannon | The user gathers all its light\nenergy and releases it at once. It\nmay also lower the target's Sp. Def\nstat. |
 | TM Trick Room | The user creates a bizarre area in\nwhich slower Pokémon get to move\nfirst for five turns. |
 | Explorer Kit | A bag filled with convenient tools\nfor exploring. It provides access to\nthe Underground. |
 | Loot Sack | A sturdy, spacious bag that is used\nto carry loot obtained in the coal\nmine. |
 | Rule Book | It lists the rules for holding battles.\nFor linked battles, you may choose\nwhich set of rules you wish to use. |
 | Poké Radar | A tool that can search out Pokémon\nthat are hiding in grass. Its battery is\nrecharged as you walk. |
 | Point Card | A card that lists the Battle Points\nyou have earned.\n |
 | Journal | A notebook that keeps a day-to-day\nrecord of your adventure so far.\n |
 | Seal Case | A case for storing Seals that can be\napplied to the Capsule cases of\nPoké Balls. |
 | Fashion Case | A fancy case for the tidy arrangement\nand storage of whimsical Pokémon\nAccessories. |
 | Seal Bag | A tiny bag that can hold ten Seals for\ndecorating Poké Balls. |
 | Pal Pad | A convenient notepad that is used for\nregistering your friends, Friend Codes,\nand keeping a record of game play. |
 | Works Key | A large key for operating the doors of\nthe Valley Windworks in the canyon.\nIt was held by a Team Galactic Grunt. |
 | Old Charm | An ancient good-luck charm made of\nPokémon bones to be taken to the elder\nof Celestic Town. |
 | Galactic Key | A card key for disengaging security\nsystems in the Galactic HQ. Losing it\ncan result in punishment, apparently. |
 | Red Chain | A mythical chain that is said to link\nthe legendary Pokémon that created\nthe Sinnoh region. |
 | Vs. Seeker | A device that indicates Trainers who\nwant to battle. Its battery charges\nwhile you walk. |
 | Sprayduck | A watering can shaped like a PSYDUCK.\nIt helps promote healthy growth of\nBerries planted in soft soil. |
 | Poffin Case | A case for storing Poffin cooked from\nBerries.\n |
 | Suite Key | A key to one of the suites at the\nluxury hotel by a lake. For some odd\nreason, it often disappears. |
 | Oak's Letter | A letter from Prof. Oak.\nWritten in it is a request for you to\ngo to Rt. 224. |
 | Lunar Wing | A feather that glows like the moon.\nIt is said to possess the power to\ndispel nightmares. |
 | Member Card | A card needed for entering the inn in\nCanalave City. Oddly, the last date\nmarked on it was 50 years ago. |
 | Azure Flute | A flute that puts out echoing sounds\nthat do not seem to be of this world.\nIt is unknown who made it. |
 | Magma Stone | A scorching hot stone which may be used to alter the IVs of certain Pokémon by 1.\n\nConsumed upon use. |
 | Parcel | A parcel entrusted in your care.\nYou are supposed to deliver it to your\nchildhood friend who left Twinleaf Town. |
 | Coupon 1 | A coupon to be exchanged for a\nPokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).\nThree coupons are needed. |
 | Coupon 2 | A coupon to be exchanged for a\nPokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).\nThree coupons are needed. |
 | Coupon 3 | A coupon to be exchanged for a\nPokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).\nThree coupons are needed. |
 | SecretPotion | A fantastic medicine dispensed by the\npharmacy in Cianwood City. It fully\nheals a Pokémon of any ailment. |
 | Vs. Recorder | An amazing device that can record a\nbattle either between friends or at a\nspecial battle facility. |
 | Apricorn Box | A handy box where you can store up to\n99 Apricorns of each kind. |
 | UNOWN Report | A report of all the discovered kinds\nof UNOWN. |
 | Berry Pots | Handy containers for cultivating\nBerries wherever you go. |
 | Dowsing MCHN | It checks for unseen items in the area\nand makes noise and lights when it\nfinds something. |
 | Blue Card | A card to save points for the\nBuena's Password show. |
 | SlowpokeTail | A very tasty tail of something.\nIt sells for a high price. |
 | Clear Bell | A very old-fashioned bell that makes a\ngentle ringing. |
 | SquirtBottle | A bottle used for watering plants in the\nBerry Pots. |
 | Red Scale | A scale from the red GYARADOS. It glows\nred like a flame. |
 | Lost Item | The Poké Doll lost by the Copycat. |
 | Pass | A ticket required for riding the Magnet\nTrain. It allows you to ride whenever\nand however much you'd like. |
 | Machine Part | An important machine part for the\nPower Plant that was stolen. |
 | Silver Wing | A strange, silvery feather\nthat sparkles. |
 | Rainbow Wing | A mystical, rainbow feather\nthat sparkles. |
 | Mystery Egg | A mysterious Egg obtained from Mr.\nPokémon. What's in the Egg is unknown. |
 | Red Apricorn | A red Apricorn.\nIt assails your nostrils. |
 | Blu Apricorn | A blue Apricorn.\nIt smells a bit like grass. |
 | Ylw Apricorn | A yellow Apricorn.\nIt has an invigorating scent. |
 | Grn Apricorn | A green Apricorn.\nIt has a mysterious, aromatic scent. |
 | Pnk Apricorn | A pink Apricorn.\nIt has a nice, sweet scent. |
 | Wht Apricorn | A white Apricorn.\nIt doesn't smell like anything. |
 | Blk Apricorn | A black Apricorn\nIt has an indescribable scent. |
 | Fast Ball | A {STRING_245004} which is excellent at capturing {STRING_0} with high base Speed. |
 | Level Ball | A {STRING_245004} which is excellent at capturing {STRING_0} who are the same level as yours. |
 | Lure Ball | A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon hooked\nby a Rod when fishing. |
 | Heavy Ball | A Poké Ball for catching very heavy\nPokémon. |
 | Love Ball | A {STRING_245004} which is excellent at capturing {STRING_0} of the same evolution line as yours, but of the opposite gender. It doesn't help against genderless foes. |
 | Friend Ball | A {STRING_245004} which makes a {STRING_0} very happy upon capture. It works well on {STRING_0} which evolve due to happiness. |
 | Moon Ball | A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that\nevolve using the Moon Stone. |
 | Sport Ball | A special Poké Ball for the\nBug-Catching Contest. |
 | Park Ball | A special Poké Ball for the Pal Park. |
 | Photo Album | A nice photo album for storing all the\nphotos taken along your adventure. |
 | GB Sounds | A music player that allows you to listen\nto nostalgic songs. It's operated with\na single switch. |
 | Tidal Bell | An old-fashioned bell with a gentle,\nsoothing sound. |
 | RageCandyBar | A famous candy in Mahogany Town. Many\ntourists like to buy them to take home. |
 | Data Card 01 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many victories\nyou've had. |
 | Data Card 02 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many\nlosses you've had. |
 | Data Card 03 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times your\nPokémon have dashed. |
 | Data Card 04 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times your\nPokémon have jumped. |
 | Data Card 05 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times you've\nwon the Hurdle Dash. |
 | Data Card 06 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times you've\nwon the Relay Run. |
 | Data Card 07 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times you've\nwon Pennant Capture. |
 | Data Card 08 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times you've\nwon Block Smash. |
 | Data Card 09 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times you've\nwon Disc Catch. |
 | Data Card 10 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times you've\nwon Snow Throw. |
 | Data Card 11 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many points\nyour Pokémon scored. |
 | Data Card 12 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times your\nPokémon have failed. |
 | Data Card 13 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times your\nPokémon impeded themselves. |
 | Data Card 14 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times your\nPokémon have tackled. |
 | Data Card 15 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times your\nPokémon have fallen down. |
 | Data Card 16 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times you've\nwon Ring Drop. |
 | Data Card 17 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times you've\nwon Lamp Jump. |
 | Data Card 18 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times you've\nwon Circle Push. |
 | Data Card 19 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many \nLink Pokéathlon wins you've had. |
 | Data Card 20 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many\nLink Pokéathlon losses you've had. |
 | Data Card 21 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times\nyou've won an event. |
 | Data Card 22 | An item to be held by {STRING_150373}\nwhich raises its Sp.Attack. |
 | Data Card 23 | An item to be held by {STRING_150373}\nwhich raises its Sp.Defense. |
 | Data Card 24 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times you've\nwon Goal Roll. |
 | Data Card 25 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times your\nPokémon won individual prizes. |
 | Data Card 26 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how many times you've\ninstructed your Pokémon. |
 | Data Card 27 | It holds Pokéathlon records. It's a\ncard that shows how much time you've\nspent in the Pokéathlon. |
 | Jade Orb | A shiny green orb that is said to have\na legend and has a deep connection with\nthe Hoenn region. |
 | Lock Capsule | A sturdy Capsule that can only be\nopened with a special key. |
 | Enigma Stone | A crystal ball that was excavated from\nthe ground. A very beautiful stone that\nis covered with bits of rock and earth. |
 | Prism Scale | A mysterious scale that evolves\ncertain Pokémon.\nIt shines in rainbow colors. |
 | Eviolite | A mysterious evolutionary lump. When\nheld, it raises the Defense and Sp. Def\nof a Pokémon that can still evolve. |
 | Float Stone | A very light stone. It reduces the\nweight of a Pokémon when held. |
 | Rocky Helmet | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIf the holder of this item\nis hit by a move that makes contact,\nit will inflict damage on the attacker\nfor 16.67% of their maximum HP per-hit. |
 | Air Balloon | When held by a Pokémon, the Pokémon\nwill float into the air. When the holder\nis attacked, this item will burst. |
 | Red Card | A card with a mysterious power. When\nthe holder is struck by a foe, the\nattacker is removed from battle. |
 | Ring Target | Moves that would otherwise have no\neffect will land on the Pokémon that\nholds it. |
 | Binding Band | When held by a {STRING_0},\nit causes the damage inflicted by binding\nmoves used by the holder to increase\nfrom 12.5% to 16.7% of the opponent's\nmaximum HP at the end of each turn. |
 | Absorb Bulb | A consumable bulb. If the holder is hit\nby a Water-type move, its Sp. Atk\nwill rise. |
 | Cell Battery | A consumable battery. If the\nholder is hit by an Electric-type\nmove, its Attack will rise. |
 | Eject Button | If the holder is hit by an attack, it will\nswitch with another Pokémon in\nyour party. |
 | Fire Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nFire-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Water Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nWater-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Electric Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nElectric-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Grass Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nGrass-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Ice Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nIce-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Fighting Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nFighting-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Poison Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nPoison-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Ground Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nGround-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Flying Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nFlying-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Psychic Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nPsychic-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Bug Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nBug-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Rock Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nRock-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Ghost Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nGhost-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Dragon Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nDragon-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Dark Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nDark-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Steel Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nSteel-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Normal Gem | An item to be held by a {STRING_0}.\n\nIt increases the power of\nNormal-type moves by 50%.\n\nThis item is consumed upon use. |
 | Health Wing | An item for use on a Pokémon. It\nslightly increases the base HP of a\nsingle Pokémon. |
 | Muscle Wing | An item for use on a Pokémon. It\nslightly increases the base Attack stat\nof a single Pokémon. |
 | Resist Wing | An item for use on a Pokémon. It\nslightly increases the base Defense\nstat of a single Pokémon. |
 | Genius Wing | An item for use on a Pokémon. It\nslightly increases the base Sp. Atk\nstat of a single Pokémon. |
 | Clever Wing | An item for use on a Pokémon. It\nslightly increases the base Sp. Def\nstat of a single Pokémon. |
 | Swift Wing | An item for use on a Pokémon. It\nslightly increases the base Speed stat\nof a single Pokémon. |
 | Pretty Wing | Though this feather is beautiful, it's\njust a regular feather and has no\neffect on Pokémon. |
 | Cover Fossil | A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that\nlived in the sea in ancient times.\nIt appears to be part of its back. |
 | Plume Fossil | A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that\nflew in the sky in ancient times.\nIt appears to be part of its wing. |
 | Liberty Pass | A special pass to go to Liberty Garden.\nBoard the ship in Castelia City. |
 | Pass Orb | A mysterious orb containing the power\nof the Unova region, to be used when\ngenerating Pass Power. |
 | Dream Ball | A {STRING_245004} which becomes more effective the longer a wild {STRING_0} is asleep. |
 | Poké Toy | An item that attracts Pokémon.\nUse it to flee from any battle with a\nwild Pokémon. |
 | Prop Case | A lovely case to store colorful Props\nfor your Pokémon to wear in a musical. |
 | Dragon Skull | A skull of a Pokémon which was said to\nhave braved the angry waters to fly\naround the world. |
 | BalmMushroom | A rare mushroom which gives off a nice\nfragrance.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Big Nugget | A big nugget of pure gold that gives off\na lustrous gleam.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Pearl String | Very large pearls that sparkle in a\npretty silver color. \nA maniac will buy them for a high price. |
 | Comet Shard | A shard which fell to the ground when\na comet approached.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Relic Copper | A copper coin used in a civilization\nabout 3,000 years ago.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Relic Silver | A silver coin used in a civilization\nabout 3,000 years ago.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Relic Gold | A gold coin used in a civilization\nabout 3,000 years ago.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Relic Vase | A vase made in a civilization\nabout 3,000 years ago.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Relic Band | A bracelet made in a civilization\nabout 3,000 years ago.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Relic Statue | A stone figure made in a civilization\nabout 3,000 years ago.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Relic Crown | A crown made in a civilization\nabout 3,000 years ago.\nA maniac will buy it for a high price. |
 | Casteliacone | Castelia City's specialty, soft-serve\nice cream. It heals all the status\nproblems of a single Pokémon. |
 | Dire Hit 2 | It can be used many times to raise the\ncritical-hit ratio of one Pokémon. It\nwears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Speed 2 | It sharply raises the Speed stat of a\nPokémon in battle. It wears off if\nthe Pokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Special 2 | It sharply raises the Sp. Atk stat of a\nPokémon in battle. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Sp. Def 2 | It sharply raises the Sp. Def stat of a\nPokémon in battle. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Defend 2 | It sharply raises the Defense stat\nof a Pokémon in battle. It wears off\nif the Pokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Attack 2 | It sharply raises the Attack stat of a\nPokémon in battle. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Accuracy 2 | It sharply raises the accuracy of a\nPokémon in battle. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Speed 3 | It drastically raises the Speed stat of\na Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Special 3 | It drastically raises the Sp. Atk stat\nof a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if\nthe Pokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Sp. Def 3 | It drastically raises the Sp. Def stat\nof a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if\nthe Pokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Defend 3 | It drastically raises the Defense stat\nof a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if\nthe Pokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Attack 3 | It drastically raises the Attack stat\nof a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if\nthe Pokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Accuracy 3 | It drastically raises the accuracy of a\nPokémon in battle. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Speed 6 | It raises the Speed stat of a Pokémon\nin battle immensely. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Special 6 | It raises the Sp. Atk stat of a Pokémon\nin battle immensely. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Sp. Def 6 | It raises the Sp. Def stat of a Pokémon\nin battle immensely. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Defend 6 | It raises the Defense stat of a Pokémon\nin battle immensely. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Attack 6 | It raises the Attack stat of a Pokémon\nin battle immensely. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | X Accuracy 6 | It raises the accuracy of a Pokémon in\nbattle immensely. It wears off if the\nPokémon is withdrawn. |
 | Ability Urge | When used, it activates the Ability of\nan ally Pokémon. |
 | Item Drop | When used, it causes an ally Pokémon\nto drop a held item. |
 | Item Urge | When used, it causes an ally Pokémon\nto use its held item. |
 | Reset Urge | When used, it restores any stat\nchanges of an ally Pokémon. |
 | Dire Hit 3 | It can be used many times to greatly\nraise a Pokémon's critical-hit ratio. It\nwears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn. |
 | Light Stone | Reshiram's body was destroyed and\nchanged into this stone. It is said to\nbe waiting for the emergence of a hero. |
 | Dark Stone | Zekrom's body was destroyed and\nchanged into this stone. It is said to\nbe waiting for the emergence of a hero. |
 | TM Wild Charge | The user shrouds itself in\nelectricity and smashes into its\ntarget. It also damages the user a\nlittle. |
 | TM Rock Smash | The user attacks with a punch that\ncan shatter a rock. It may also\nlower the target's Defense stat. |
 | TM Snarl | The user yells as if it is ranting\nabout something, making the\ntarget's Sp. Atk stat decrease. |
 | Xtransceiver | A high-tech transceiver with a\ncamera function. It allows up to\nfour-way calls. |
 | Gram 1 | An important letter which\nWingull delivers. |
 | Gram 2 | An important letter which\nWingull delivers. |
 | Gram 3 | An important letter which\nWingull delivers. |
 | Grass Mail | Stationery featuring a print of a\nrefreshingly green field.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Flame Mail | Stationery featuring a print of flames\nin blazing red.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Bubble Mail | Stationery featuring a print of a blue\nworld underwater.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Bloom Mail | Stationery featuring a print of pretty\nfloral patterns.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Tunnel Mail | Stationery featuring a print of a dimly\nlit coal mine.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Steel Mail | Stationery featuring a print of cool\nmechanical designs.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Heart Mail | Stationery featuring a print of giant\nheart patterns.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Snow Mail | Stationery featuring a print of a\nchilly, snow-covered world.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Space Mail | Stationery featuring a print depicting\nthe huge expanse of space.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Air Mail | Stationery featuring a print of\ncolorful letter sets.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Mosaic Mail | Stationery featuring a print of a vivid\nrainbow pattern.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | Brick Mail | Stationery featuring a print of a\ntough-looking brick pattern.\nLet a Pokémon hold it for delivery. |
 | HM Defog | A strong wind blows away the\ntarget's obstacles such as Reflect\nor Light Screen. It also lowers the\ntarget's evasiveness. |
 | HM Rock Climb | The user attacks the target by\nsmashing into it with incredible\nforce. It may also confuse the\ntarget. |
 | HM Whirlpool | Traps foes in a violent swirling\nwhirlpool for four to five turns. |